A fun space shooter with simple, easy to pick up objectives. I actually really like that there's only one kind of gun and two powerups. I appreciate the (probably?) realistic physics of momentum/inertia in space, but it was a little frustrating that my thrusters seemed to struggle and take a long time to help me reverse direction of movement. Also that getting hit by an enemy added so much additional momentum. So yeah, biggest gripe is that I wish the controls were tighter. I also lost track of where I was in space in relation to Earth, so maybe a minimap or just an indicator to help point the direction back would be helpful. Finally, I wish the starfield in the background were a little more prominent. Granted I was playing on a crap monitor, but the stars were so dim that I didn't really get a sense of relative speed and couldn't tell how fast I was going in any direction. But I loved blasting those aliens, and the music and blaster sfx were good!
edit: like some other commenters, I thought it was cool you could accidentally damage earth yourself. That's a nice touch and additional degree of difficulty.