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Nice short game! At first it was hard to tell what I was supposed to do. Then I saw there was an axe attack. The animation doesn't really look like an axe swing animation, but it works. I found that if you just walk all the way up to the tree they can't hurt you and one hit from your axe and they're dead. So I got bored after a ten or twenty and quit. The game was so simple, I wonder if adding another mechanic or making the trees move faster or changing something after a while could have helped? Also, if you walked to the edges you got stuck. Anyway, well done!


Thanks for trying my game! Yeah the axe animation I had to give up on making look better because I was running out of time to make the rest of the game. I hadn't ever animated a character before, so I think my animations are pretty good for a first try. I had plans to add more tree variations including ones that throw projectiles and that move faster, but didn't have enough time to do it. 

Yeah, it’s always hard to predict how long something is going to take. One jam I spent a day trying to get 2D lighting working. The day after the jam I started a new Unity project and in that template it was enabled by default. Sigh.