I haven't read PRESSED, so my opinions may not be completely validating here, but I'd like to give my two cents on this story as a stand alone VN, and I hope I don't come across as too harsh.
Personally, I struggled to really follow every single thing the father was saying to us (as the MC) throughout his very long monologue, but that's something that can be passed as being based on real-life old people rambling on, hah. However, I also struggled to really empathize with him; it sort of felt like you were thinking "How can I make him as dirt poor as possible?" and came up with his backstory. It all just felt like a bit too much, almost comically tragic.
Lastly, as some have also pointed out, the ending is out of left field with a very unnecessary sort-of sex scene. I think if you wanted to make a soulful, mellow story, you should've stuck to your guns and kept it like that til the end!
All this being said, I'm still very impressed on how quickly you were able to work on this VN, and your writing is very solid. I think a healthy balance between monologue, dialouge and narration would really help boost it to being very good! Congrats and good job :]