that's quite the pain on Steam there... but itch just refuse my card, as "not internationally enough" (i just made the reason myself)
now... idea time...
- have an immersive setting that changes her speed based on her body
- make some traps that transforms her, and maybe even alter her movement (Eg: fish/mermaid would have a hard time moving on land, but fast af when submerged (>:D time to give suffering to our salvor)). maybe some of them only activate on special conditions, like to make her matter worse
- alternatively, an unremovable 'high-tech' suit, that everything around her can mess up with >:D in order to maximize suffering damage
- also, if you do the later one.... customization time... (and here comes drawing part, which is a pain to me T-T )
well, only the first one will get to be in EA and release, while the rest have to wait for sure