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A member registered Nov 15, 2019 · View creator page →

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the game's still in development, so come back later

only 2 halves? why not more :D i wanna see what people can come up when there can be more than 2 modular parts

i just thought that "hm... how the heck can she still run with the same speed while carrying all those extra weight. unless either she's buffed, or those doesnt even weight a gram" and the immersive speed comes to mind :D

  • Traps, again, but this time, it jams or mess with our system (like shutting off radar) while it does its own things (your choice) >:D maximum emotional and suffering damage
  • special augments (or whatever fits into this game) with some special pros and cons >:D
  • More immersive setting i guess

idk if there's already similar ideas (even if i know, i forgot :D )

that's quite the pain on Steam there... but itch just refuse my card, as "not internationally enough" (i just made the reason myself)
now... idea time...

  • have an immersive setting that changes her speed based on her body
  • make some traps that transforms her, and maybe even alter her movement (Eg: fish/mermaid would have a hard time moving on land, but fast af when submerged (>:D time to give suffering to our salvor)). maybe some of them only activate on special conditions, like to make her matter worse
  • alternatively, an unremovable 'high-tech' suit, that everything around her can mess up with >:D in order to maximize suffering damage
  • also, if you do the later one.... customization time... (and here comes drawing part, which is a pain to me  T-T )

well, only the first one will get to be in EA and release, while the rest have to wait for sure

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get into a map with evening or night time, then stay in there

she'll come when you see something like wolf howling

it just mean more arts

perhaps that's for after release period, along with other stuff

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hm.... now make custom shops and equipment (and perhaps some template and pictures for people with bad drawing skill like me :D )

hm... nice... joined the discord (username hdbuon, Display name Luna Starlight :D)
.... although im out of idea this time D: these doesnt light up any bulb in me...

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now this got me thinking.... custom dungeon when? :D i like to mess around with stuff

also, sorry if im being hasty, but Steam when :D ? (formerly Runie :D, just feeling like changing name)

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Here's some more not-so-sane ideas, same warnings though:

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dont mind if i expand on that "safe food" of Azure :D plus my own ideas:

  • random food can be dangerous, it could expand her body parts like they said, but it could also do more than that. what if the mushroom she picked yesterday was a scraped experiment? we dont know what kind of experiment it is,...
  • if "unsafe food" is implemented, there should be a slider to change how likely randomly found food is "unsafe", and perhaps, change how likely an effect is chosen. (some people might not want this, or that)
  • since we talk about unusual food, i think we might as well consider "strange" things. what they do? stat lock? form change? nobody knows.
  • And... what if we, the players, can make our own conditions, effects, food, or beings? ya know, some people's brain are on another level, or just non-ordinary, thus they can come up with some very lewd and unusual things.

Well, im just giving my own thoughts, since i prefer customizability, and sometimes, creativity. but this might turn the way away from what you're planning

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yes, i bought a few games on Steam, so would be nice if you put the game there (although try keeping it below 10 USD, if u have to raise the price, i'm currently low on budget)

although never tried any other site though

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kinda wanted to preorder this, but itch doesnt support my nation's credit card... yet

still, good demo :) keep going. i kinda wanted to see what this game will be

well, im from vietnamese, and the bank account im using isnt supported... yet

from my experience, when  most of your body part is bound

check the game's discord server

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you can use a few spells to make them your companion, like "conjure petsuit" for example (only work when they're fully bound)

it seems like button shortcuts somehow doesnt work, like auto-struggle's "T"

just use conveyors as input, dont use routers, since they can easily clog your system. You can use gates and sorters too, but only if there's no output other than the furnaces

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somehow my game screen is complete black after download this, but i can still click on the options like exit the game

when i'm trying to deconstruct the turret, this thing happen

And btw, somehow my game lagging so much

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and also a way to automate creating droids (if possible)

Suggestion: Make a way to cancel buildings in construction

also when i clicked the tutorial twice, the game shut itself down

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the first time i open the game on my new laptop, i clicked on tutorial. it didn't seem to response. So i clicked on the "New Game", enter my new world name, click Create, and.... it turn into the background of the New game Creation screen

i tried delete the extracted file and re-extract it, but it doesn't seem to work

Guess i won't be able to play the game until there is a way to fix this

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for some reason I get stuck in the "create new world" background in the lastest alpha version

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damn, another bugs right after:




action number 1

of Draw Event

for object oGameController:

Variable oLaserTurret.itemtype(101635, -2147483648) not set before reading it.

at gml_Script_DrawDamageOverlay


gml_Script_DrawDamageOverlay (line -1)


check your email. I just sent you a report about building

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ok, i hope there is no bug or crash

cus this is the 2nd time in month for this game, and in about 100 times in my life until now

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i was having a "small" factory

and then it just crash out off nowhere

beside, i think you shoud do the saving for the next update first, i (and maybe people) doesnt like our effort being wasted when shut the game

great.... another crash:




action number 1

of  Step Event0

for object oRobot:

Unable to find instance for object index 100642

at gml_Script_MoveToAndCollect


gml_Script_MoveToAndCollect (line -1)


i saw this one when im just fully deleted a mining station

then it shut down the game itself

hey there!I got this while deleting a building:




action number 1

of  Step Event0

for object oRobot:

Unable to find instance for object index 100060

at gml_Script_MoveToAndCollect


gml_Script_MoveToAndCollect (line -1)


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how about a board that shows the research requirement that im looking to do?

that make me (or players) have more focus on building and prepare stuff while still be able to see the research progress

beside, why dont you add some shortcut? i dont like open the action menu many times just to take some click

(English is not my main language)

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i just have a new laptop so i think maybe another time?

Also i'm studying right now (I'm from Vietnam, if you wondering)

edit: can you give me your email? I can't paste the screenshot here

Great,i forgot that you havent answer my 3rd question

Im back, with a NEWER laptop. Ready to install the lastest one

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it run a bit laggy when im getting in to see the reactor

anyway, i'm GOING TO HAVE A NEW LAPTOP (maybe). So i think i could run the normal version

Edit: I now have a win 10 laptop. READY TO PLAY

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Do you think about re-add the storage block?

i think im starting to running out of space in my inventory

also you haven't answer my first reply question