Hellooooo, I noticed the update didn't push through and I really apologize for bothering you about it but how long do you think the delay might be?
I will try my best to get in touch with you, once it releases for everyone!
As for the "surrender" feature, a masturbation mechanic for Amber was planned, years ago, but we weren't entirely sure how to implement something so risky, in a game where practically any sexual contact spreads the infection. If something about that has changed, I'll be sure to let you know! ^w^
i was just curious, i know of another game with a similar premise (virus turns everyone infected into mindless sex monsters) and the added a masturbation button because if your character orgasms from a infected creature then they cum inside you, but thank you so much for being such a listening developer absolutely in my top 3 already. im super excited :) see you when the game drops.
Syahata's bad day its on android and windows and soon to get an update