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Aww, Im sorry to hear that. Admittedly those platforms gave me an absurdly hard time to get working, and even then every now and again they break for no good reason. I even googled it and responses were basically just "yeah, after a certain update, that particular movement function I used is just not super reliable for some reason" and I didn't have the time or energy to change it. Im also sorry about the hands being so annoying. I honestly tried to space and position them so the first one would never reach you and would just kinda show it existed, and the second one was only ever supposed to be able to grab you once right before you go down the pit and out of its aggro range, so Im sorry it didnt work out that way and made the experience more annoying. As for other animations, I did have an animation for winding up the jump that for some reason based on the animation framework I had set up never ended up playing properly.

I get it, moving platforms are super hard. Once I had them in a game but couldn't get them to work right so I just delete them and replace them with conveyer belts. Dunno if I've ever made them work right.

I think the real appeal of the hands, to me at least, is that when they first appear that's a real WTF moment, y'know, it's memorable. you're expecting normal human stuff and spooky supernatural hands appear out o nowhere. I think it's worth keeping that but lowering the annoyance of getting grabbed so often. for that reason a quick solution might have been something like, if you struggle and escape them, then the hands go away and leave you alone for a while.


That was exactly the vibe I wanted to give, just a sudden, "oh shoot, what is that?" but not derail the game. Seeing now how rough the hands were for people, I absolutely agree with you that I should have made them just deactivate once you got them off of you once. Oh well, cant do anything about it now since I cant edit during the jam time, just kinda sad that my oversight with the hands has probably discouraged people from actually finishing the game (I even added a checkpoint because I thought the last part would be the hard one lol). Thanks for your feedback and suggestions though, I really appreciate it ^.^