The `view[]` event can be fired on a card for several reasons, which aren't necessarily just the first time you visit a card. It's better to think of it as an event for refreshing the contents of the card, and you'll need some extra logic if you want to ensure it only ever fires once. This thread describes a few possible alternatives.
One additional approach not described in that thread would be to invent a new event, say "visit[]" in the card script:
on visit do[deck] # ... etc ... end
And then send a "visit[]" event to the card in any script that navigates to the card. For example,
on click do go[thatCard] thatCard.event["visit"] end
Since we just made up the "visit" convention ourselves, Decker will never fire it automatically, and we can make it happen precisely when it's appropriate, but all the logic for what to do "on visit" lives on the card itself, which can help keep things logically organized.
Does that make sense?