BIG BUG: Winning Research from Battle doesn't work? I fought the Sample Bandits and ended up with 0 Research for everything but Energy when I checked in the Cave.
EDIT: Cancelling the Cave Mixer landed me Out of Bounds in Earth Cave Entrance / Exit, in front of the Sample Trigger. And now I'm stuck.
Maybe should do a check when Mixing to make sure there's enough Research to do anything? Well, technically 0 Damage Element potions cost 0 research.
What's enemy 289?
Downloaded the update when it popped up in my feed! Yay! 1650 Researches up front for my save!
My Mix Bugs:
0 Research effects like trying to Split Strike a 0 Status Duration potion gives a cost of 0 Energy Research, but Brill says "Shoot, I need more research for that." ... EDIT: Although, that's only for Earth damage maybe?
UNLESS I try to change my Damage, even setting to 0 when it was 0 the first time, then I can Split Strike with 0 research
Other 0 Research Effects are: Trying to add a second element to a 0 Damage potion.
Mix Name Bug or a Me bug: Using the second Page in the naming screen gives a few question marks and tons of
Can't cancel name box.
Can add a second "extra Element and status effect" to the formula. Not sure if that does anything. Has no element Symbol, just the Add Element symbol.
Multi Target cost lists Defensive twice?
Huh, adding Multi-Target changes ingredient requirements, replacing a Sun Shard with Undergravel. I wonder why.
Viewing post in -UPDATE- Ruphand 0.3.7-P1 is live! comments
Shoot, I knew a few would slip through.
The cancel button taking you to the wrong place is an incorrect variable assignment. This will be fixed, and if you're still in the Earth Cave Stair, you'll be warped back to where you're supposed to be.
The lack of research drops was due to a variable name in the wrong place, likely moved when adding something else in. This will be corrected with the next patch.
The Unicode characters are a "bug" with the name entry screen; they're placeholders I didn't get around to replacing yet.
Undergravel is likely an incorrect variable assignment. Gonna look through it and the others and get back to you ASAP.
Enemy 289 is likely one of the new ones that'll be added in 0.3.7-P2.
Multi Target listing Defensive twice is likely due to some Elements using Defensive research for both Windup and Delay. I'll adjust that later. Right now, I'm still trying to reproduce the Split Strike 0 research bug. What conditions does it occur under?
AHA. Found the problem, the "is research valid" check was looking at the wrong variable. I'll have that fixed up.
No, wait, I still haven't found it. Going to keep looking.
I was jumping to a label before assigning a variable! I'll make sure THAT is dealt with thoroughly, and then have a bugfix out.