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Hmm, that's actually hard to say. I'll go ahead and change it to 25.

Boss refights would probably come later, after the Main Story. And I'd do it in a manner similar to the "Boss Endurance" mode in Kirby's Adventure/Nightmare in Dream Land that I could never beat when I was a kid. (I always choked at Meta Knight or Dedede.)

You still get the same Tower Points, and the rewards upstairs will update accordingly, but there also might be some unique rewards in this challenge depending on different "high scores" in the challenge. I'll have to think about it!

Yep, the different elements ask for different types of research. I specifically remember that Fire, Water and Thunder want Offensive as a secondary research for Windup, while Earth, Wind and Ice want Defensive as a secondary for Windup, with all of them using Offensive for damage (because it's damage) and Defensive for delay (because getting ready faster after it helps you defend against the next attack).

(1 edit)

The Invisible Soda Keg and bizarre force-field-projecting tarp are easy fixes. They'll ship with the next patch.

I missed the Phantom bug from earlier. Looks like it currently doesn't detect it if Brill doesn't actually move. While this is an edge case, it would be good to get this working, so I could probably put the event on the Phantom itself.

EDIT: Yeah, that was easy. It'll ship with the next patch!

Ah, the code doesn't check if it's the Hidden Forgemaster.

That's not intended, but it's also not a big deal since it doesn't affect the recipes at all. I'll probably get that with the next patch.

Somehow the Multiplier isn't  being removed. I'll give that a closer look and release a patch ASAP.

(1 edit)

Oh boy, looks like something's setting game variable 239 way too high. That's be the Windup multiplier, which is used to calculate the amount that certain Modifiers affect Windup. It should not be in the 100s. I'll look through and figure out where it's being set.

EDIT: Found it! Should have a fix out in a bit.

I specifically made Guardbreak + Split Strike more expensive because of how strong their synergy is. It's the same trick Hedge Knights have, but a Split Strike Mix can have 50 damage per hit and an element attached to it.

I don't know HOW that event ended up checking Matter rather than Defensive, but it did. Thankfully an easy fix.

There is basically a limit of two ingredient "types" that can be added by Modifiers.

(4 edits)

Shoot, I knew a few would slip through.

The cancel button taking you to the wrong place is an incorrect variable assignment. This will be fixed, and if you're still in the Earth Cave Stair, you'll be warped back to where you're supposed to be.

The lack of research drops was due to a variable name in the wrong place, likely moved when adding something else in. This will be corrected with the next patch.

The Unicode characters are a "bug" with the name entry screen; they're placeholders I didn't get around to replacing yet.

Undergravel is likely an incorrect variable assignment. Gonna look through it and the others and get back to you ASAP.

Enemy 289 is likely one of the new ones that'll be added in 0.3.7-P2.


Multi Target listing Defensive twice is likely due to some Elements using Defensive research for both Windup and Delay. I'll adjust that later. Right now, I'm still trying to reproduce the Split Strike 0 research bug. What conditions does it occur under?


AHA. Found the problem, the "is research valid" check was looking at the wrong variable. I'll have that fixed up.


No, wait, I still haven't found it. Going to keep looking.


I was jumping to a label before assigning a variable! I'll make sure THAT is dealt with thoroughly, and then have a bugfix out.

Here's what still needs to be done, off the top of my head:

  • Good portion of the enemy research drops still need to be done (probably the most time-consuming part)
  • I haven't completely gone over all the switches to determine bonus research drops, that still needs finishing
  • There are a few minor UI tweaks I need to go over
  • I'm going to need to do some very extensive testing to make sure few to no major bugs or issues ship with the update

Aside from that, the only thing really holding me back is other work outside of Ruphand that I've got to finish. Still, I should be able to have My Mix out fairly soon; at the most, it should be done midway through June.

After that's released, my next goal will be the Hard Mode Challenge Tower, followed by Cloudtop City and a sidequest that goes with it. (I thought about making Mix available mid-fight as well, but that might have to go on the backburner, since it's a fairly major undertaking and Research already goes a long way toward encouraging fights.)

...Whoops. How'd that get in there? I played Runescape, I should know how steel works. 

That'll be corrected next patch!

Yep, music's supposed to fade out there. Makes the room a little more ominous!

Ooh, I like that idea! It shouldn't be too hard to implement, either. I'll look into removing the turn counter from Block at some point, unless for some reason I make a status effect that inflicts a multi-turn Block and combine it with an enemy that uses Thunder.

I don't think Block Strength can go below 0, but I'll have to test what would happen if it did.

(1 edit)

Oh no. That's something to do with the unimplemented My Mix, I need to fix that. (EDIT: Fix was thankfully pretty easy, should have a re-patch up very soon.)


The Phantom Magus is still at large after the quest, so the dialogue is still unchanged.

Looks like I'll need to draw attention to:

  • Blocking, because that Bishop just before the switch to Elden Ring would've gotten stomped if its Light Arrows were blocked.
  • The bookcases at the beginning of the elemental rooms, because an Earth Formula would've reduced its damage from 6x4 to a much more manageable 2x4 and the bookcases directly point this out.

The bookcases in particular deserve special attention; they state what each element does, but might be dismissed as "filler". (Though reading "filler" dialogue in general is highly encouraged. I put hints in there. And lore. And some goofy joke lines.)

Another thing I might do later (when I don't have entire new systems in the works specifically made to encourage fighting enemies) is go over old hidden passages and add an extra graphic to cover the top of Brill's hat when she moves through them. I'm keeping the different graphic on the passage itself because that's supposed to be a "tell"; Garett would've mentioned that in the stream if he hadn't been ignored.

Also, I didn't actually end up needing to grind ingredients in my own playthroughs. That said, I did make a habit of using Sample after every encounter, and had Recycling attached as soon as possible. I also know the ins and outs of how the combat system works (since, well, I made the thing). Maybe I'll put a few extra chests down in the Earth Cave's big exit stair, at least.

I might look into using smaller text to display the added Modifier effects. Combined with the limit of 4 modifier slots and the explanation of each modifier being included in the process of making the mix, descriptions should be feasible.

Catalysts will use the existing Catalytic Formula status effect, so the main element that will deal damage is the Trigger.

A Split Strike potion would be fantastic for Burn and Block Buster effects, and would be powerful if you have a lot of Attack to outpace the enemy Defense (so Water might see some use too, or Earth if you stack Stone's Throw).

I've got colors ready for the base elements. I wasn't originally planning to, but I could pick one for each of the combined mixes, now that I think about it! There's only 36 permutations, so it shouldn't be that much trouble.

Just got some time to look at this! Sorry I've been slow to react; it's been very busy.

I think I might have had a poison attack in mind for the Azulean Widow at some point, but the main reason it's still there is so the player doesn't get caught by any other poisonous enemies (namely the Water Spiders in Belke Coast) without them.

Sampling in the Frozen Reach won't trigger another round with Ulfar and the Dragr after you've beaten him once.

I'll have the movement directions, journal entries, and tree exit adjusted in the 0.3.7 update!

(2 edits)

Oh boy, 2 AM! Sorry I missed this post before.

If I'd  hazard a guess at what my thought process was, the Fireproof Frock uses the extra robe as a second layer to keep out heat and absorb the Antifire. Though I'm not sure why it doesn't also offer a little protection against Ice in that case, maybe it's something to do with the magical Water component in the Land Coral.

I'll look through these items again, but usually these inconsistencies will likely have been to fit all the text in the window. I'll see if I can't smooth them out, though.

The main issue with Inevitabolt is its very low speed, so I think a Thunder-element My Mix will be able to carve out a niche for itself just by virtue of being fast.

Yeah, you have to pick an attack element. Unfortunately, a Neutral-damage My Mix would probably wreak havoc on the game balance.

(1 edit)

The biggest issue with an Omni-element potion is that, if I make it possible, it'd probably have a steep Research cost, and it'd also run afoul of a lot of resistances and especially Immunities or Reflect effects. Running it with a full amp set would absolutely shred anything that doesn't have access to any of those, though, especially since Thunder would give it Block piercing by default.

It looks like I forgot to set the layer of that bookshelf after it's examined the first time. That'll be fixed in the update!

Making a custom potion that's just an existing one will likely be slightly inefficient, but not too much since you also have to spend the research on it. I'm still working out all the numbers.

The Omega Potion will be powerful, but it'll be expensive to make as well; it definitely will not be something you throw down in every fight.

I've been floating the idea of dual-elemental potions as an added effect! It'd be some extra work to make it tie in to the status effects, but it'd be pretty cool. An Ice/Wind combo in particular would work together really well, while I can definitely see direct-damage uses for combos like Ice/Fire.

The original plan was to use the built-in data structures to make room for only three, but I've learned more about RPG Maker and JS in general; if I manually make some data structures to hold the custom mixes, I could potentially aim for a bigger number without bloating the gameVariables too much. The tricky part will be getting the crafting menu to play nice with it, but I already have to do that anyway.

I'd really only be capped by how many item slots I prepare for My Mix, as I've got to save some room for other items. The player would have to overwrite a mix after reaching the cap, likely allowing some of the research used for that mix to be put towards the next formula and refunding the ingredients used for any copies of the mix in the inventory. That said, fifty slots should probably be enough.

(1 edit)

Shoot, knew I forgot something. I'll give it a proper look in just a bit!

EDIT: Hmm, looks like it doesn't cool down while rafting. I'll give the code a quick look and see if there's a way to change this.

It doesn't? I'll have to look into that.

Have been sick for the past couple days, so I couldn't really do much. However, I think I'll be able to really get rolling next week.

The Lucky Blend's bonus Sample effect should have a 1  in 10 shot at occurring.

(1 edit)

Currently, the lights aren't so much "lights" as "decorations"- I haven't quite implemented any conditional  doodads yet. That's one thing I decided to put on the backburner due to the already-delayed development cycle, as they still do indicate that there's four of something.

All right, I should have the fixes for all of those issues down. (The archways in that particular map have been a mess for some reason!) I'll go ahead and upload the patched version now.

Thank you for all the help!

I got some more time to look at this.

If the previous bridges didn't fix, then messing with the tileset might not cut it. So I'm playing it safe and putting some events that will just implement the passability stuff properly.

I'll also have the third fight trigger handled. That'll be an easy fix.

Twister bonus damage hitting through defense is intentional. I imagined it as more of a "status damage" added on to the Deflect.

(1 edit)

On the walkable wall: Looks like I missed a spot. That's a quick fix.

On the bridge: Looks like I pasted in the wrong tile there. Again, easy fix now I know it's there. I'll go over the rest of the maze as well and specifically look at junctions like that one.

(1 edit)

I see what's going on- you're not technically in the "stealth" region where monsters can't chase you, but the "on the hedge" flag turns on at the top of the stairs. I'll put together a fix for this and release it with the other ones.

The cave is a shortcut back from the area at the end of the dungeon, near the Astral Plains entrance.

When the Hedges get angry, a debuff occurs in the next battle you fight in the Hedge. This resets after 1 fight or if you leave the dungeon.

The last two issues are unintentional, though- I'll have a fix for them up soon.

I think it was originally planned for some cutscenes, but an opportunity to use it never really showed up. Though, now I think about it, I could see it working for a few scenes...

The Woods don't change the BGM because they previously didn't need to, but Secret Woods 1 probably should now. I'll hit that in the next patch.

Was a bit busy today, but I'll give it a look tomorrow; shouldn't be too hard of a fix.

(1 edit)

20 Ticks is quite a bit of debuff time for as cheap as Gleam Sand is. I might look into a rebalance, but there's plenty of powerful items.

As for the Vigor Crystal, I can see it maybe being useful around the time you get it; the Great Vigor Crystal and Ring of Reprisal are roughly vailable around the same time, though they do compete for a slot. I'll look into giving HP a bit more use.

I'll get right on changing the dialogue a bit!

Yep, the Raft theme changing in the Astral Plains is intentional, since otherwise you wouldn't get to hear its theme very much due to all the water.

It should be 25 heals for A Healer's Duty's second reward. There's definitely at least 25.

(3 edits)

Wow, you actually might be better at my game than I am! Beating a boss that strong without potions is actually really impressive, fantastic work.

A lot of the buildings will be reopened in 0.3.7- I didn't have the time to get to them all, but that's part of the plan. (Presumably everyone needs some time to move everything back in.)

Spoilers Ahoy:







Some earlier dialogue (again, probably a while back) established the original Cloudborn were created as a result of Forruno experiments with Wind magic, presumably before Orb-related shenanigans started. Sonon was one of them. They were citizens (until backstory happened).

Oh yeah,  you're right. I had it in my head that "it multiplies 3 stats" and forgot Block Strength was a stat, sorry.

I'll definitely look at Heartbeat later. It shouldn't be a HUGE deal (the most impact I can see it having is setting up Perilous Punch strats), but I expect it's probably related to the underlying code. Now that my coding skills have improved, I could probably fix it given some time.

Ah, must've forgotten the lock gems on the left side. Those will be added in properly with the next patch!

I'll look into Heartbeat later as well- as a rough guess, it might be related to the Master's Gift multiplying Max HP.

(2 edits)

There should be 5 HP worth of Life Gems hidden around the third dungeon. SPOILERS AHEAD:

(EDIT: Man, some spoiler tags would be nice...)















There's a +1 Gem behind each of the 4-lever gates, a +2 Gem near the Fairy Ring, and another +1 Gem hidden on the fourth floor.