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On android version it states that the apk is built for a older version of android and thus it can't be played. The issue started on this newest update. Every new update I delete the old version and replace it. An explanation would be nice.

(4 edits)

It seems Android 14 added a new block for those apps made for older Android versions. Before this new rule, we could run any app, even if it wasn't optimized for Android 14.

If you search about it on Google, you will find this: "Android 14 has introduced a new security restriction that disallows apps that have a targetSDK of 23 or lower (app that have been developed for Android prior to Android 6). Starting with Android 14, apps with a targetSdkVersion lower than 23 can't be installed. (3 mar 2024)".

Since I made this build (0.37) on Unity 2018, it doesn't have the configuration to build an app for Android 14. 

I updated Unity to version 2022 last week, but the first Android build made for this new version is version 0.38. This new version should work fine for API levels between 22 and 34.


Thanks for the explanation. It helped solve the issue. It seems that changes to what I allow was needed.

It was my pleasure. Then, did you solve it by changing some settings on your phone?
