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A member registered Apr 30, 2021

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When Michael asks if the mc shares his warriors spirit. Do we need to answer yes or no. I can't remember but I know it is important to the story.

(1 edit)

It still be frightening and I would still be afraid. If slightly confused at the same time. Yeah it still a hard no. The saying don't stick it in crazy exist for a reason.

Bro I have a fear of clowns. This is a frightening idea. It is nightmare fuel for me literally.

I like the new update system better than the older version. My reason is that it is more often. Even if in smaller than before updates. In my opinion that is worth it. Unless you sacrifice quality or your own health. Then it isn't. Again I love your work.


Thanks for the explanation. It helped solve the issue. It seems that changes to what I allow was needed.

On android version it states that the apk is built for a older version of android and thus it can't be played. The issue started on this newest update. Every new update I delete the old version and replace it. An explanation would be nice.

What are the requirements for passing the third win check for val fighting scene. If the answer can be blocked out with a bar that be great. Don't want to spoilers for those that don't want them. I know I hate them when I don't want them.

Hope the twins survive. It didn't sit well the cliffhanger of their fate last update.

That form looks absolutely awesome by the way. Love the way that the dead end played out. At least before the MC died and shortly before that scene. Before that I loved every single second of the dead end. Still good writing though just didn't like the teaser on Dues's power. Then getting little to no explanation.

Seems like I ain't the only one where this game or novel hits home a bit. Overall I like it considering the premise. Although my personal reaction in the same situation would be more accepting of the changes.

Hiya am using android and it seems to work just fine until I try creating the character. It let's me go so far as to adjust miro body a little bit. Despite if I changed a few things or nothing at all that is the furtherest I can go before always getting kicked out the app entirely every time.