Played through the 0.0.4 version, and I have to say, the gameplay is has some potential, but so far, as one might expect, it's not the best. I do have compliments, but I'll leave them until the end, after my constructive criticism. First, the enemies are a bit jank. When you kill an enemy, it takes a while to die, and in the meantime, it still moves, can absorb bullets, and can still attack you and knock you down. Now, the being able to absorb bullets while dead thing isn't that bad on its own, and in fact could work if done intentionally. The real problem is that killing an enemy doesn't keep it from hurting you.
Also compounding that is the fact that a single hit from an enemy can knock you down for 5 whole seconds, let alone the time it may take if you are caught. Most games have a system where you can do button inputs or something like that to fight against being fucked, or to get up faster when knocked down. Those that don't, try and make it almost always avoidable by the players. Thus, it truly feels like the player's fault that this happens, which makes waiting for the animation to finish more bearable. I did notice that in the Victor fights, when I got knocked down, there was a good amount of tension on whether I'd be able to get up fast enough, which would be improved by the inclusion of a way to get out faster manually, so that the tension would stay strong instead of vanishing when the player realizes they have no agency over it.
Additionally, there seems to be very little actual meaning to being fucked. In some games, being fucked is what leads to losing health, and in some games it has a more permanent "corruption" type situation in the long term, which I presume this is going with. But, I still feel something should happen beyond stats in a menu screen to make it feel like it matters in the moment, like losing health, or even a popup saying what lewd stats increase or something like that.
This comes together to make getting caught by an enemy feel very random and out of your control, and also meaningless waiting, since the enemy only has the one looping animation. This could be improved by giving each enemy two or three positions, or speeding up the animation or making it more intense partway through, maybe even a cum animation. Or just fixing the problems that make it seem meaningless, or random, if it's simpler.
My second gripe is the lack of knowledge. If knowing or not knowing where a slug is and how it behaves is the difference between moving on in the level, or having to reset, it would be good for me to know a bit more about where the slugs are, and/or have more control over how I can find out. Firstly, it is quite dark in there. Having a flashlight that I could point in the direction I'm looking would make me feel more in control of the information I'm receiving. Even if it doesn't actually do much, it gives a bit of illusion of it. Or, being able to crouch/crawl on the ground in order to look below me would be the optimal for me. I don't know if it's just this level layout specifically, but there were many times where I was on a raised platform, and couldn't see the ground on the floor below me to check if there were slugs down there. If this is intentional, I would recommend trying to incorporate a bit more into the knockdown.
Thirdly, the game doesn't really explain how dashing works, really. I think the dash system is fine, don't get me wrong, just a quick popup saying "you're out of stamina" when you try to dash when you're out, or even just a little sound effect and the stamina meter flashing for a second.
The fourth, more minor thing is just a little confusion. When you masturbate, your Lust meter goes down, and you cum when it hits the bottom. But, when in a combat fuck, your lust meter goes up as it progresses, and when it reaches full, the scene doesn't even necessarily end I think? Regardless, pleasure in general should have the same effect on your lust meter. So, making the masturbation increase the lust meter and then reset it upon cumming makes the most sense to me.
Also, I noticed that the text goes slower than the voices and text boops for the AI assistant can play, making the text lag behind.
Finally, my praise. First, I think the aim-and-shoot mechanic has a lot of promise for interesting situations. I can see this already with the two Victor fights, where I kept second-guessing where I thought he'd be. You have to guess where the enemies should be coming from, or if they're there at all, which creates tension. I think this has a lot of potential, but only if the combat leans more away from "I know there are enemies here but I just don't really have a way to address it effectively" with the platform dropping and the not-looking down, to more of a "I know there are enemies here somewhere, but not necessarily right here, so I have to prepare to face them when and where I think they'll show up" or something like that. Second, as I mentioned before, I quite like the Victor fights. They work very well with the aim-and-shoot mechanic, and with the dashes, since his teleportation makes you never know which side he's on, adding tension, and the fact that you can dodge his charge with a quick dash past him if you time it really well is nice. Also, the idea of the pussy closeup image in the menu changing over time is pretty cool. I'm a big fan of things like that in games, and if it expanded to other body parts, like tits, nipples, mouth, butt, etc, that would be even better, if that fits with the game's mechanics of course. Also, I like the subtle pink camera fade that happens the more horny your character gets, although I wish the heart particle effects also went with horniness levels.
Anyway, neat game. I look forward to seeing more of it in the future, when it's properly fleshed out. I hope my critique and praise was helpful to you.