Going to try and refine replication. This order might be the shortest one that works.
BUG: Somehow got Windup changes to cost involve ~9999 Research just for 10% change, and removing the modifiers after doing it doesn't cause prices to revert.
1. [Fire / Wind] 100
2. Split Strike
3. MultiTarget
4. Trigger
5. 50 or 10 Bless
6. Check Formula Ingredients
7. 5 Status
[Windup Speed Changes should involve crazy amounts of research]
Ooh, so Research counts beyond 4 digits, it just doesn't show.
Ok! ... So, a faster Wind Potion actually costing less ingredients to mix, compared to the cheapest one to research, is intended / a fun math effect? Sorry if I wasn't clear on this:
0 Damage Wind 35% 35% needs 2 Feathers and 2 Sun Shards
0 Damage Wind 25% 35% needs 2 Feathers and 1 Sun Shard.
EDIT: Ingredients don't add right: 100 Damage Wind 35% 25% Fire, Multi-Target, Guard Break, Flashy has two Wonder Cell entries, at the beginning and at the end, in its Ingredient Summary during Mix Finalization and final recipe list. At least the ingredients subtract right when crafting. But it can be made with just 2 even though otherwise it eats 3 cells. mmm.
Same with Earth + Ice and Steelfrost. Cool link of the elements! Goodnight-ish! good luck!
30 Damage [Element] has a 2x Primary Ingredient duplication in the requirements?
Gosh, Guardbreak + Split Strike is so much more expensive in Strange Material. They cost 1 SM when alone, but together they cost 4. Adding Unavoidable's interesting. It's always 1 SM. Never costs more to add.