Make sure that you list your team members as contributors as well as listing your team name in the title. Don't make us do detective work to find out who you are! This is a decent attempt at making a beat-em-up for the time you were given, with some good character art and some work on animations mainly on the player.
However, I don't think I can say that this is actually a beat-em-up, but rather a platformer which was the last game not this one! If you look at the gameplay provided on the Moodle, I think that you would agree with me that this is more like Mario than Double Dragon. That aside, the main character art looks like it was cut out of Photoshop or something like that, with some white cutouts surrounding the character. Also, why does it appear to have a gun when that isn't used at all, or am I missing something there? The environment and character art style is drastically different which takes away from the experience, consider ensuring that art remains consistent in the future.
Overall, I commend you for submitting and there is evidence that work was done on the project, albeit perhaps a bit rushed. I think that what you have here is entirely fine, and with some additional work there is the basics for a strong submission.