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(1 edit)

I've just played the game. Good fun :)

I do experience skulls at the top not being visible though. The mouse also disappears when going there.
I tested in both SpecEmu and InkSpector - both 48k and 128k machines.

It's not an attr issue, as I removed them and there are no pixels.


Thank you for giving the game a go and testing it in specEmu and inkSpector. I suspect the invisible sprites at the top of the screen are a memory issue rather than an attributes one. I'm currently fixing a couple of minor bugs, but the skull code could be optimized a bit better (a lot of duplicated code). I'll see if I can reduce that down and hopefully that'll get rid of the issue on the top lines at the same time.  I should have an updated version later this week and hopefully it'll fix that issue too. Thank you again for having a look.