First of all thanks for writing up so much feedback, it's invaluable!
I definitely wanted to have more ... everything! More monsters, more puzzles, more opportunity to really flex the abilities - but as you guessed I was working right up to the deadline to fit in what I did! I've gotten a lot of constructive criticism on the jumping and it's a shame I didn't have more play testers to catch that earlier in the development.
Absolutely valid nitpick on the level design for the walljump -> holy flames abilties and in a future update they'll definitely get rearranged to have a much more rewarding discovery route!
I'm not sure how your jump is implemented, but if you're interested I found these videos to be super useful for learning more about jump intricacies.
Rigidbody 2D: Improve Your Platformer with Forces
Custom Physics: Ultimate 2D Platformer Controller in Unity