I'm a big fan of classic Mega Man and X, so this was nice to see. The movement felt instantly familiar, which was nice, the graphical style is cute too. Overall level design seems solid, with only the Quick Man laser area sticking out as a point of frustration. I'd say the main thing overall that's missing is polish. I think it would've been better to have a smaller map, but polish up the things you have more. Stuff like how non-ceremonious the bosses and enemies are when they die, but also just core physics stuff like getting stuck on walls, levels spawning you in the wrong location when you travel backwards, etc. I also think the timer didn't add much to the experience. Overall, the idea of having a Mega Man styled Metroidvania is really solid, and you're well on your way there, but I think you would've benefited from a smaller scope with more polish. Still, I enjoyed my time with it despite the imperfections and the lack of a final boss (hey, that's gamejams for you!)
Oh yeah, forgot to mention, but the music was great too. And just for reference, the ceiling here seems to behave like a spike, it damages and respawns you.