ESaF was pretty enjoyable: asy to read from start to finish and it did have its little comical moments (I appreciate the shoutout to the previous year's game jam).
The story didn't leave much of an impression though: I am definitely more of a fan of Night | Time Dreading | Fever by the same dev, it felt more adventurous! The story can summarized in a single sentence and there aren't really any "twists" to spice up the simple premise.
The presentation does suffer a bit too. The position of the sprites is pretty strange when superimposed on the backgrounds. Even more importantly, I don't feel like the size change that is the main plot point of the story really comes through visually: it would have probably required to experiment with the sprites a bit more, as it is, Nico at the end comes across as just being a bit closer to the reader.
Like I said, pretty enjoyable overall, but it does feel like the dev probably didn't have enough time to fully flesh out their vision.