Dear MissPengywin,
Thank you so much for your feedback! This game was made with the Tyranobuilder engine, not RenPy, so it doesn't have this type of screen. It only has a save/load menu which is accessible with the "M" key. You fill find the complete list of key shortcuts in the "Controls" section of the game's description, right beneath the screenshots. Aside those, this game doesn't have any other key shortcuts, it's operated by those and the mouse.
About the volume, this game features only music, without sound effects / voices. If you notice that music is too loud in certain scenes, you can let us know and we will tweak it in the game's code. I'm afraid that there's no way for the player to adjust it by themselves but I will do my best to research it.
About the font, I have re-uploaded the Deluxe version with the Imperator font, it should be easier to read. I hope it helps!
Kindest Regards,