Fun game mate innit yo. Forkin simple n nice gameplayin (but the bullet hitboxes seem kinda big yo) yo. Gameplayart reminds me of an oldass flash game in a good way yo. Love to hear goofyass ZUNpet musics.
Radass writing yo. Almost too frackin grody for my tastin yo, but ey yo it's kinda noice compared to a game with boring dialogue innit. My favorite line is "go to komachi" innit mate. Bloody ell, I love that shiznit yo. Played on Lunatick first, then tried again at Medium, cuz the upgrades seemed too expensive on Lunatic yo. But shittin blimey dawg, guess the upgrades ain't all that importantlike, seein as Suiker takes em away at the end yo. Like I could barely use em before game was donezo, n that almost makes ya wonder why they're even there innit mate.
In short, it's like a zombie pizza-- crusty as hell, and it knows it, and sometimes it's healthy to have a bit of that in your life.