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A member registered Jun 14, 2022 · View creator page →

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Kyute. Always really liked Kero Blaster, so a game that's meant to be like it is definitely gonna be right up my alley. Epic pixel art and controls, great music, great everything, basically. There's an impressive variety in enemies, and the boss is pretty well-designed, though I think it has a bit too much health, at least for the weapon you have in the jam version.

In short, it's frogtastic.

3spooky5me. I'm almost glad it didn't have audio, cuz if it did, I might not have the courage to play it. I love the art style, and though there isn't too much going on gameplaywise, there's a lot of neat Hifuu writingstuff and the wonderful KOGASA JUMPSCARE. Also it felt like I touched a ghost like 4 or 5 times but never gameover'd. Epic and spoopy game.

Pretty nice. All the presentation and feels of the game were great. Had a lot of trouble with the triple-jump timing in certain parts, which made some platforming challenges a bit frustrating, so I'm glad not all the stars were required. Writing was fun, and the weird not-quite-Mario64 music was great.

Epic game!! I decided to do it bombless on Hard, cuz I think doing patterns bombless makes you appreciate them more. I failed to get a blind 1cc-- retried Patche's fight twice, since for some reason her first nonspell is the hardest thing in the whole game for me-- but it all felt very doable and fun. Way easier than the official games, but if it was as harsh as them my dumb self-imposed challenge would probly result in me playing this for like 6 hours and only having fun for the first hour, so I'm glad it's so forgiving. The patterns are really familiar for the most part, but most of them change just enough that the experience of dodging them is meaningfully different from the originals. Patche's final spell was really cool, to the point that it felt like it really expanded like, what the game was capable of. I really hoped there'd be more afterwards, but you know, this is already epic for a 2 week game.

Really funny writing too-- besides Patche's final spell, the Yukari text message thing was the highlight of the game for me. The art is awesome, the music is rad, everything's just super polished... yeah. It's cool as heck. Good job on all this.

(1 edit)

Really cute game. Got a ton of neat jokes and references to the characters and relationships and such. I kinda felt bad for capturing pretty much every spell on my first go-- felt like it may have been more fun trying to guess the items only based on matching their descriptions to the dialogue. Only nitpicks I got are that I wish the text speed was faster, and half the time I couldn't tell when I was getting hit cuz there was so little feedback on losing shieldstuff. Either way, it's really neat and polished.

Not entirely my kinda game, but I really appreciate the variety of both writing and clothing combinations. It's really funny, too!

(1 edit)

AWESOME game. My brain's a little scrambled today, so I might not be able to phrase my thoughts well, but yeah. It's 3D!! And it controls well!! And it's got an ending!! I haven't played Mount and Blade, but even if this is heavily ripping it off in some way, Biker Patche + Rocketing Koakuma third-person-shootything is so cool that I'm giving it high concept points anyways.

The entire game controls in a weird way that's both smooth and very unwieldy, from the motorcycle's handling to the inaccuracy of your attacks if you aren't good at taking purposeful, well-aimed shots. I'm not good at that at all, so much of the combat was pretty hard for me. Started out relying mostly on Koakuma One to kill enemies, until the final boss where the training wheels came off in more ways than one, and I had to learn how to actually play the game. The difficulty curve in general was great-- I died a ton, but it always felt like my fault. I probly should've been using Elder Koakuma's baiting to my advantage more, done tactical dismounting to use Koakuma One as a turret, or just been more accurate with my shots.

Story was in the background and didn't take itself super seriously, which is fine. While music would've been nice, the lack of it almost enhanced the atmosphere at times. And gosh, I just really like the vibes of this game in general. Lack of LGBTQ+ themes? yeah whatever I don't care this game is COOL

Flaws, uh... sometimes dismounting would clip me into a wall, but it easy to get out of that by just mounting again. The Magic Experiment Location thingy with the book in the shack was pretty confusing for me to navigate, to the point of spending what must've been 20 minutes just driving all around the area looking for that last dang book. Koakuma One really could've used a few more dialogue exchanges, as they start repeating after like 5 minutes. And also I kinda wish enemies had more of a visual indication they were being damaged-- until the final boss I genuinely had no idea how much damage my attacks did, and it seemed less like I was damaging the enemies with my shots and more like they all had 1 HP but my aim was so bad that every hit but the one that killed them would keep missing. Also levelstuff leading up to the final boss seems far too easy to skip entirely-- this isn't necessarily bad, since it'd be awful to go through a really big level every time you died to the final boss, but I dunno, maybe the final boss's room could've had a checkpoint or been registered as its own area like the Hidden Cave.

But anyways YEAH!! This game is RAD!!!! It almost feels a bit unfair to give such a high appraisal/rating to a game that seemingly had nearly a month to get made instead of two weeks like the others. But I mean, this thing's probably not gonna get many ratings on account of being so late, so it's probably fine.

In short, it's in my top 3 favorites of the jam so far.

Epic story n art. Gameplay is very simple, and the game froze up twice when I tried to hit a bat, but you know what, that just made it more interesting to play, since I had to strategically avoid bats instead of killing them. Momoyo's wacky dialogue n stupid fang are so freakin good.

In short, it's like a big rock-- not super fun to play with, but like, it's really pretty! Got a bunch of epic patterns on it. Almost looks like it was artificially crafted but it just comes across as so smooth and natural, and being able to even see it it is like a gift from the gods. okay maybe thats a little dramatic but IT'S A GOOD GAME!!

Epic game. Kinda held off on it because I'm like really really bad at mysterystuff, but this was surprisingly simple n forgiving. I quite liked the main storyline with Shion and the others, and the SejiaxShinmyoumaru stuff was pretty interesting too. Also, I love the character sprites and the music so freakin much.

The only "flaws" I can think of for this are that being able to rewind time when you get an answer wrong means no consequences (which is actually a positive for me-- I probly wouldn't be able to beat this otherwise) and that even after the epilogue the ending left me wanting to see more of the story.

In short, it's rad.

It's huntin' time.

Really cute game. The somewhat simple 3d combined with the relative darkness of the caves gives it a really nice, somewhat spooky atmosphere. The otter sound is great, and how they work is really cool. I quite liked it despite its simplicity.

otters are so cute

I absolutely loved this. What it lacks in technical impressiveness it makes up for in just... the funnest writing. My lack of knowledge on these characters doesn't really matter much, since the story just really works even if you aren't familiar with them. And yeah, the Reisen/Tewi scene was amazing. I don't have much else to say, it was just great. I love the way the sprites moved too, everything just felt so animated. Thank you for the frog.

In short, it's like... just, really fun. One of my favorite entries so far on writing alone.

There's not too much I can say that wouldn't be repeating AngryCow's review, but hey. This thing's worth complimenting anyways.

What a nice trio of stories. There's a really high density of art, which I quite like. All of it's great. I'll say that the Satori story was my favorite, and I loved the music for the last part of the Sumireko story. The artwork in the Sumireko story was absolutely amazing, by the way, I just wish I could parse what the heck it was all about.

Even if this is a bit all-over-the-place and lacks much of a connecting thread, I honestly don't mind. The brevity is quite welcome for me, and the stories themselves, coupled with the nice music, are just beautiful.

In short, it's like a blackbird singing in the dead of... day, I guess. The sun and all.

This is a really interesting story and setting, but... I dunno, most of it didn't quite click for me. The art is really neat, of course, and the whole game's composed in a way that gives it a good atmosphere. It just feels kinda incomplete in a lot of ways. I'd definitely like to see an update to this.

It keeps introducing a bunch of crazy concepts and then not really following up on them. A very interesting AU (?) setting gets talked about in super vague terms, the nature of that note Renko got doesn't seem to be elaborated on at all, and the protagonists' motivations feel kinda muddy-- as in, they start out following a weird timey-wimey note because why not, but in the second half they seem more concerned about Merry taking a trip to the future so she can date Renko than whatever the creator of that note had in mind for them to do.

By that same token, I generally didn't think the very chill writing fit the plot. The story seems insanely high-stakes (the way Renko talks about how screwing with time has affected the world makes it sound like she and Merry could cause the end of the whole world/universe as we know it with just one mistake) but it never really feels that way-- they spend most of the game talking really casually, and glibly handwave away the super scary consequences of their actions as "wow we're really playing with fire, huh?". Also, there's a few writing quirks that I found more funny/charming than anything, but really detract from the tone the game seems to be going for-- the biggest example to me being when Renko makes a joke and "(joking)" is added after the end of the sentence.

Few more nitpicks-- most of the choices seemed really similar, to the point of a lot of them feeling unnecessary.  Also Renko being depicted with a standard VN sprite was slightly confusing at first, since she's on a screen the whole game, but it wasn't an issue for me-- I just think it'd be a nice touch if, say, the background was split between time periods  on left and right sides of the screen, similarly to the Day 10 CG but for most of the game. And I do kinda wish the text moved quicker-- I almost went through the game a second time to get other endings and clarify some things, but the text speed being so slow kinda killed it for me, and pressing Z to skip didn't work because I played on browser and the game didn't save my data after reloading the page.

In short, it's like watching a really cool sci-fi show with a busted TV-- it feels like I'm missing a lot of really interesting high-concept storystuff under the static, and that's a shame.

Also, apologies if I sounded harsh in this comment. The game's neat, and to be honest I feel like I didn't quite "get" large parts of it. If there's some important stuff I missed and my big criticisms here are only because I can't read properly, let me know. And either way, I'd definitely like to see an update to this-- it's cool.

(2 edits)

Really cool game. The point-and-click puzzles were really simple, but honestly anything more complicated would probably have distracted from the story too much. It's weird though, unless I'm missing something, there were like two items that had no use. Are there multiple endings here?

I really love the art style and the way it changes in different points of the game, and the music was freakin awesome. FLIGHT RESPONSE and eternally grieving were my favorite tracks, the former for its weirdness and the latter for its otherworldly beauty. Good job toooooooo sewagechrysalis! Gosh it's nice to have music rooms with credits on each track. All the other music was great as well, those two tracks just stood out.

The story's plot and themes were great-- I'd say more, but it's getting late and I might need to reread parts of it to fully comprehend what it's all about. The moment-to-moment writing was pretty solid as well, going between quirky and heartfelt pretty smoothly. Though, some of the writing felt a little weird to me, and I don't know how to describe it besides "it didn't feel Touhou-like enough." Like, there's a lot of cussing here, and it pretty much always feels really goofy to see that in a Touhou story. That, plus a few moments like the Harry Potter (?) reference and Alice's 'I used to have really bad panic attacks, but now I take specialized medication, and it's not so bad now' line, makes the characters feel more like present-day outside-worlders than 2010 Gensokyo residents-- this stuff is fine in more comedic stories, but this game takes itself really seriously, so stuff like that kinda takes me out of the experience.

Oh also, without spoilerz, what a great ending. The last two minutes alone bumped my overall rating from 4 to 5 stars. Oh also, shoutouts to "a cup to a god, an ocean to an ant"-- it's not important to the story, but I love that line so much. Oh also that Eyes in the Dark piano song was great n unexpected, I really liked that. Also even though I don't like MariAli very much, the way their relationship was handled here didn't feel like it totally butchered Alice's character, which is extremely rare in my experience. Oh also I love the faces here, very subtly expressive. oh also i like trumpet and gamebird and funni banter about puppetshows and ooooooh gosh it's time for bed

In short, it's like Celeste in the non-gameplay ways-- ha ha you thought i was gonna say omori but jokes on you i havent played it!! the dialogue and character portraits give me celeste vibes and it's like 3 am so thats the only comparison i can think of right now sorryyy

Pretty cute game. It does feel unpolished, but that's understandable-- seems like you're trying to do a lot with the mechanics. The character switching with the hearts is still a little confusing to me. The game has quite a charming vibe-- reminds me of Super C and Zelda 1. The boss dialogue was pretty fun, and the music was pretty nice. But yeah, like euniworm said, it feels like there's no reason to kill enemies when you can just dash right past them and beat the game super quick-- they're generally just not dangerous enough, I think.

In short, it's like a big sloppy kiss-- good in an indulgent way, lacking in elegance, but that doesn't matter too much. Yeah wow great simile there mhmm

Very cute style-- I love the way everything looks. There's not much in the way of gameplay, but I'd honestly be cool with just running around a more varied arts-and-crafts world, exploring and taking in the vibes. Cute endscreen, as well. Though there isn't much game here, I'd honestly love to see more of this style.

In short, it's like a very good early sketch of a drawing-- you can see a lot of creativity and skill here, but the drawing itself has to be fleshed out a bit more before it can really shine.

I feel like I'm cheating by standing in place and basically touching the fairies but somehow not getting hit, yet it seems to be the only way to reasonably beat this game. Art is cute, gameplay is fun in a simple way. The game does feel a little lifeless-- like said, I think simple sound effects would've helped a lot with the overall feel. That said, I enjoyed my time with it.

In short, it's like vanilla ice cream-- simple and familiar, but also rather plain.

Pretty fun game. I never got very good at controlling the multiple characters at once, especially since switching control to one of the dolls to use their spells felt pretty unreliable, but I can see it being really cool if you're used to controls like this. It's impressive that you got a decent-looking 3d game with 3 simultaneous playables at all.

The patterns were pretty interesting, with each boss having one pretty cool standout pattern. I loved Reimu's bouncyball spell, for how it takes advantage of the 3dness, but also gosh it did a lot of damage. In general, it's super easy to get hit by like 10 things in a row and lose half your health over the course of less than 2 seconds. I guess that's not objectively bad, just a little frustrating. The same can be said about how much of a challenge it can be to actually hit the boss-- sometimes it's fun to be forced to take risks, and sometimes a pattern takes way longer than it feels like it's supposed to.

Also, thanks for being mean to me for playing easymode. Got me to toughen up and finally learn how to actually use the controls enough to beat Normal.

In short, it's like a MOBA, but without the things I dislike about MOBAs-- cool birds-eye-view 3d look, nice n unique patterns, and a pretty interesting control scheme that forces you to use it to the fullest.

EXTREMELY cute and fun game. Apologies for the relative lack of words, I'm not fully sure what else to say.

Awesome dialoguewriting here. Even with my lack of familiarity with these characters, I really appreciate how they're characterized-- I still got what they were all about, even with the story being (seemingly) so integrated with canon storylines. The scene in the forest was probably my favorite part.

Extremely kyute animations of the sprites. There's like, 10 times more of these than I expected, and they all accent scenes really well. I'd have liked funni cartoony sound effects to go with alot of them, but you know, 2 weeks.

In short, it's like a chocolate chip ice cream cone-- just, such a sweet treat, in a way where you wanna savor it.

(3 edits)

Gosh, I musta spent 3 hours trying to beat this. I got "Ending 1", which I presume is the Bad Ending or something, but I don't feel like playing through the whole game a third time to get another ending.

Pretty much everything about this game is great. Awesome text scrolling across the screen, awesome voice acting, awesome Paper Mario thingy with Marisa, awesome mechanic where your HP and MP and movement speed are all one bar. It's great. But also, 80% of my time playing this was pure suffering.

As you know, the enemies showing up from offscreen and immediately shooting at you (or swarming you in the case of the eye thingies) make the game harder, but in a way that isn't very fun. With that and the way the mechanics are mostly unexplained, the game is very heavy with trial and error. Pretty much every wave of enemies past round 2 is only surmountable by failing at it and then memorizing it & thinking up a specific "trick" to beating it. Reminds me of Ninja Gaiden for NES. Whether that's a compliment or its opposite is to your discretion. Beating it felt nice at least. Genuinely though, I do quite like games like this, that feel like insurmountable brick walls. It's amazing to beat a game that, just a moment ago, was so unforgiving that you genuinely didn't know if you'd ever beat it. If I weren't caught up with beating this game as quickly as possible so I could rate everything, I think I'd have a lot more fun with its "unfair" difficulty.

And this may not be super important to ya, but I found it funny. During the final phase of the final boss, I was holding Patche, and wanted to use the Spark on the boss. But I accidentally rightclicked like 5 frames before leftclicking, and threw Patche at the final boss instead. Throwing Patche did an insane amount of damage, and basically instantly defeated the boss. But... she only had 1 HP when I did it. So the final boss's defeat cutscene played, and then as soon as it ended, Patche died and I Gameover'd before the End screen showed up. And of course, that obviously doesn't count at beating the game, so I played through the whole game again, and did the exact same thing right at the end, but this time Patche had like 4 HP, so I didn't gameover and got to see the end screen. This kind of "Gameovering while the final boss is exploding" thing has happened to me like, 7 times across different Touhou games, so I gotta thank ya for adding another instance of it to my collection.

In short, it's like Embodiment of Scarlet Devil-- extremely charming presentation and solid gameplay design overall, but it's pretty unforgiving and abrasive in its difficulty, to the point of only feeling rewarding to play if I'm in a very specific mood.

Cute read. Got like 6 different endings-- dunno if that's all of them, but either way that's enough for me. I quite like the Marisa headcanons ya bring up, as well as how the reader can choose the backstory. Marisa can have a wildly different internal journey depending on your choices, while still fitting in with what we know about canon Marisa pretty well, and that's appreciated. I do think the structure feels a bit too much like a checklist of semi-chronological topics, rather than a natural memoir, and it'd be nice if later chapters (other than the ending, of course) changed depending on your earlier choices. There's quite a few typos and grammatical errors, but eh, I don't mind it all that much.

In short, it's like a daily diary entry-- unconcerned with flowery flourishes, and charmingly honest.

Byoutiful gayme. Top ten artistings of all tiem. Koolio writingz. Doremy mechanic is genuinely quite cool. I kinda think a few more platforming challengy stuff would've been cool to add, even if there wasn't time for a bossfight. I was genuinely having fun with the platforming before the game just kinda ended. And... uh, yeah, that's probably it. It's pretty funny. Nice ending.

In short, it's like a dream-- it doesn't make sense, it doesn't try to, and it ends abruptly, before you can really take it all in.

(1 edit)

Short, simple, awesome. Played through three times cuz I liked it so much. Got a 1:46:33. The controls are well-functioning and responsive, though the dash travels a bit far for my tastes. Might sound silly, but I really love when your main attack has a big delay in a game like this. It feels pretty satisfying to line up the timing of your attack so it hits the enemy while they're moving. The fight is the perfect difficulty for me, too, and quick enough to be super replayable.

I love the artstyle as well. It's such a particular and nostalgic anime-like thing, really charming. The ending's very cute, too. And the fight music is amazing, a dynamic and genuinely beautiful PC98 style track. It's my favorite piece of music I've heard in the jam so far, by a long shot. Honestly, is there any way I could get a download of the song?

In short, it's like a dance-- an emotionally-charged whirl of magic wind that keeps you on your toes the whole way through, given so much depth and meaning with a wonderful song. Also, it has the word dance in the title.

Bad Dudes reference detected. Yeah of course I'm playing this game now.

Frick, I love how this game plays. The controls are super clever, even if my aptitude with it is pretty bad. It's such a cool gimmick, one that could've easily been super ignorable if not handled well, but the level design does a great job of forcing you to use all 3 Hecklers separately and simultaneously, rather than letting you steamroll everything by bunching them all together. I love the little optional paths, too. The enemy designs are also pretty clever, with each of them having just the right amount of health, I think. Judging from the readme, a ton of the game's sprites are royalty-free online stuff, but gosh, the stuff that's definitely original is great enough that I'll still give this a high visuals score. Music's great at well, really nice retro sound. The whole game really feels like one of those experimental third-party Genesis joints, in a good way.

The only real complaint I have is that it seems pretty easy to make one mistake, then get sorta combo'd to death by enemies if you can't regain control of your Trihecta. Maybe that's a skill issue on my part. Also Hisami is pretty easy in all 3 fights, at least if you have a couple bombs stocked up, but you know what, that might be a good thing-- I would not wanna get killed at the very end and have to start the whole thing over. Oh, and I didn't really understand what the Spell Level was for. Like, maybe for fire attack it increased damage, but for healing and mysteriousness I didn't notice the level making a difference on the spell's effectiveness.

In short, it's like... Bad Dudes. Yeah, that's what I'm goin with.  Bad Dudes if you controlled 3 orb-had ladies from a birds-eye view and you shot projectiles and it was on Genesis and had really good level design. Yep. Definitely an apt comparison.

(1 edit)

Woah, this has some crazy production value. Like, where do I start?

There's so many CGs here! They're all well-drawn, and do a great job of accenting the scenes they show up on. Really, I love how most of them do a "show don't tell" job, rather than them just like visually showing something the narration is describing. The regular sprite art is great too. And also, zamn, full voice acting ain't something I'd expect out of a jam game. They were all really fun to listen to, and even though it ain't perfect all the time, the more awkward linereads and such were more charming than anything. I think Sumireko and Mystia are my favorites to listen to. Just so goofy and fun. Haru does a great job as well. The minigames are really nice-- pretty impressive that ya got so much going on here, and they're all really responsive and fun for what they are. I think whack-a-fumo was my favorite, just cuz of silly twitchy-gamer brain.


Sumireko's story was pretty cute. I quite like storylines that kinda bridge the gap between Gensokyo and the Outside World, even if only a little. Haru's story was nice and had a pretty cool way of integrating magicstuff, but the blushy kiss at the end kinda felt kinda weird to me, both because I'm not a huge fan of the "thank you for helping me out *gives you a little kiss as a  reward*" trope thingy, and cuz I kinda assumed she was like, 11. I mean Touhou ages are nebulous as all hell, and the story doesn't dwell on that moment too hard, so I don't care that much. And though I quite liked Seiran's story, I think the tearful monologue towards the end may have went on for a couple lines too long. That little bait-and-switch ending was neat, though.

While I find the "Use of LGBTQ+ themes" here to be pretty on-the-nose and unsubtle, that's not a bad thing. If anything, it's pretty refreshing to have such a variety of stories where everyone's nice and ends up happy by the end.

Maybe I missed something, but what's with Koishi appearing right at the end and doing the kissykiss? Either I missed something really important early on or that whole thing should've had a bit more foreshadowing. Also, I'm not sure if the New Game Plus type feature gives you extra content-- I'd assume it does, but I went through the game a second time with the new items and nothing new happened, it seemed.


Apologies if my feedback is poor, or sounds overly harsh-- there's a lot more I could say, but it might require a second read-through, and it's a bit late for me. I quite liked this game, though.

In short, it's like a summer festival-- lovingly put together, full of variety, colour, and warmth, all combined to sweep you off your feet and let you forget your troubles for a little while.

The game is definitely a nice effort. The art is cute, and the simple controls do the job. Only real issue I have until the boss is that the background is a bit too bright, and it makes the spikes extremely hard to see.

I only attempted like 3 times, but I'm pretty confident that the floating boss is impossible, unless there's some hyper-specific speedrunner kind of trick to beating it. It being so fast almost seems like an accident.

In short, (like iceing11 said) it's like one of those early 2000s flash games that you play as a little kid-- cute and fun at first, but soon becomes extremely difficult, and that's kind of a shame.

Kind of an enigmatic game, I think. I played up until the like, 50,000 points, or probably like 20-30 rooms.

I quite like that the characters are all OCs. It's cute, and makes me wanna see more of them. The witch (who is called Koishi in the screenshot?) has a nice design, and I was looking foreward to unlocking more dialogue for her... but it seems like there's only that one set of conversation topics, which was disappointing. Really, I was a little sad that the game seemingly has no ending-- would like to see at least some conclusion, even if it was just a 5-line cutscene after 20 rooms or something.

I really liked the switching of characters as a concept, but each round is pretty short, and the fact that your health refills each round makes the separate healthbars feel kinda moot . Fun music, but the sound your projectile makes kinda hurts my ears-- it's actually half the reason I played as dashing Yui almost the whole time. The second one being that the fairies' projectiles are REALLY fast, which makes playing as projectile Yui pretty hard when they're around. The fairies showing up presence could be a good way to incentivize you to switch to dashing Yui, then back to projectile Yui once they're taken care of... but dashing Yui is so overpowered that you can just switch to her and spam leftclick and win within seconds, not having to worry about anything.

There doesn't seem to be a readme or any tutorials or descriptions of the shop items, so I have no idea what they do. After the 5th room or so, I just stopped buying them, since they seemed to do nothing. Maybe I'll give it another spin if there's an update with a readme, or tutorial, or some other kind of explanation.

In short, it was like the house of a mysterious witch who isn't home-- fun to explore for a bit, and I can see there's potential to see and experience really interesting stuff here, but it mostly gives me the feeling that I'm really missing something.

(1 edit)


Fun game mate innit yo. Forkin simple n nice gameplayin (but the bullet hitboxes seem kinda big yo) yo. Gameplayart reminds me of an oldass flash game in a good way yo. Love to hear goofyass ZUNpet musics.

Radass writing yo. Almost too frackin grody for my tastin yo, but ey yo it's kinda noice compared to a game with boring dialogue innit. My favorite line is "go to komachi" innit mate. Bloody ell, I love that shiznit yo.  Played on Lunatick first, then tried again at Medium, cuz the upgrades seemed too expensive on Lunatic yo. But shittin blimey dawg, guess the upgrades ain't all that importantlike, seein as Suiker takes em away at the end yo. Like I could barely use em before game was donezo, n that almost makes ya wonder why they're even there innit mate.

In short, it's like a zombie pizza-- crusty as hell, and it knows it, and sometimes it's healthy to have a bit of that in your life.


Really cool game, especially for a solo effort. I love the aesthetic and the mechanics here, and most of the guns feel good to use. There's some things about it that I'm not a huge fan of, but they're all super minor things, as the core gameplay and enemy types are great.

 It's a bit easy to get hit by 15 bullets in quick succession, going from full health to almost dead and with only the pistol in less than a second. And I'd like if the losing-weapons-when-you-take-too-much-damage mechanic was more lenient, since it's almost impossible to survive when you have only the pistol in any wave past like, wave 4. For the weapons themselves, I think the chaingun has too little ammo before it has to reload-- I'd honestly rather it have twice as much ammo and take twice as long to reload or something-- and if an enemy is close to you while you use the 4th weapon, the explosion from your weapon can block you from seeing incoming bullets for a sec, which is kinda scary. Super shotgun is awesome.

But either way, this game is really fun. I couldn't get past wave 7, but it seems like I've seen most of the content? Looking forward to seeing more of this.

This story's really interesting, and I'm excited to see where you go from here. The way the story is written feels like a fairy tale, and I really like that about it. Also, do you plan on having multiple "cases", or just the Moriya Shrine crew storyline? I think having several storylines for this idea would be cool.

I like the background and portraits, including the ones for Kanako and Suwako. To be totally honest, if you do a full-game version of this I'd prefer if Kanako and Suwako looked like that, just more detailed. The fact that these characters are literally portrayed as the animals they're themed around is really cute, and adds to the whimsical fable vibe.

Like MedalHunter said, it just sorta ends without anything getting resolved. Kinda sad, but I'll be there for the continuation if it ever comes out.

(2 edits)

Funny game. I liked the Purple boss's barrier attack and such. I think having to press Spacebar to shoot is kinda silly when your shots are aimed with the arrow keys. It's easier to just have pressing the arrow key shoot in the direction you wanna go in than have to hold Spacebar all the time. Raymoo's movement speed could be faster as well, and I still don't understand what Flanders is supposed to do. Also, are you supposed to beat the boss or does it just time out? I couldn't tell if I was hitting her. The art is cute, and the music hurts my ears in the best way possible.

The Reimumania is powerful yet dangerous-- handle it with care, 'lest it tear you apart from the inside. Keep on training, so you may someday learn to harness this gift.

Fun game, and rad for being made by one person. Straightforward but good controls & mechanics, though I wish the secondary attacks did more damage. You get showered in ammo for them, but they feel ineffectual. I like the enemy types and patterns, with most of Yuugi's being pretty fun to dodge. Seeing the title animation with all intrigued me with all its different environments, and I'm looking forward to seeing those in the full game.

Cool game. Controls felt nice, though the dash is a bit unwieldy. The patterns were rad and I quite liked the way dashing worked with them. The story is pretty funny, and I liked Cirno's gratuitous cussing-- it's weirdly in-character for her, I think. My only real issue was how short it was. Pretty cute for what it is.

Fun danmakugame. I really like the magnetize concept with the switching, and timeslow is a good replacement for bombs. The use of Faint Dream makes me very happy. Nice patterns as well, though they do feel a bit samey-- and it's a bit sad how small the lazers in the "master spark" spells are. The story is real short without much theme usage, and the lack of original art is a bit sad, but besides that this game's pretty cool.

(2 edits)

Amazing pixel art, epic music, awesome movement. I really liked being called a menace to society. Everything feels great to do, and every minute of playing I forget this is even a jam game.

Level design feels nonlinear, but I'm not sure if it actually is? It seems like there's multiple paths, but there might only be one path you're "supposed" to go on. On my first attempt I died in some kinda castle area, and had to go all the way back. On my 2nd attempt I went a different route and found a door that was clipping into the floor, and it took me straight to the boss. Did I enter a dev shortcut?

The camera seems... not exactly zoomed in, but like it moves in a way that makes it feel really zoomed-in, and it results in a lot of somewhat blind jumps. I wish there were checkpoints and Nue did damage when you sent her foreward.

Really cool game though. The art really carries it, and the gameplay is super smooth.

Rad danmakugame. The sprites have a lot of polish and there's quite a few of them, given the timeframe. Kinda awesome that you added two more character sprites for one spell. The music was rad and the patterns were really-well done, with enough of them present to feel like a pretty substantial game. The final bosses' patterns were by far the best ones, but each boss had their own cool gimmick, and I appreciated how they all moved in interesting ways for at least one pattern. I liked the dialogue, though parts of it felt a bit too cheesy-- it's hard to explain and a bit rich coming from someone with my tastes in stories, sorry.

Like the previous commenter said, the lack of background changes between stages/nonspell portions was pretty noticeable. Even just a color change to the same background can go a long way. But at the same time, there's not really any location changes, so it's fine. Besides that, I kinda wish you had a slightly longer invincibility time after getting hit or switching characters, considering theres no bombs. Also, I think the visible player hitbox is too small. It's more accurate to the actual size of the hitbox than what the official games do, but even without the window being small I think I'd have to squint to see it, and at that point it's no help at all. Maybe making the player character's sprite smaller would solve it too. And one last thing, the characters seem to be paired up mainly because they come from the same game a couple stages apart, and while that's neat I'd have liked to see something a bit more out-there.

Okay sorry, this review might sound negative for all that flaw-listing, but keep in mind these are real minor nitpicks. The core game here is really good, and I admire how you were able to put so much danmaku in here.

"What do you think?"

Love is formed in selfishness, and the act of loving is sacrifice. Each given sacrifice may be worth it, maybe not. But without taking a risk like that, we're left with little to gain. Love is, in this framework, a matter of if the sacrifices are worth it. I believe, yes, they are. A love without sacrifice is indulgence. Yet, "love is sacrifice" isn't quite complete in my eyes. Love with only sacrifice isn't a risk, but a burden. There must be a push and pull of indulgence and duty. Days when you can just lay in the sun, and days full of exhausting work. Lie down for you whole life, and those who love you will have far too large a weight to carry to keep that love. Do nothing but work your whole life, and sooner or later you will snap, unable to keep loving indefinitely. I find the former to be detestable, and the latter (virtuous as it is at face value) tragic when necessary and shortsighted when not. Love is living between a state of giving and receiving, and... my ideal kind of love is both at once. Where the feeling that comes from giving-- the feeling that your love is making a difference, enriching those you love-- is its own reward; and, of course, everyone involved has to be giving & nurturing. No love can be like that ideal all the time, for we all have selfishness and limits. But when it does happen, it's wonderful. And what little I've seen of that wonder leads me to believe that love is ultimately good, and worth the hardships that will always come with it.

"Are you still searching for something?"

Yeah. Real uh... real bad. I'm kinda lonely. Sorry. Aha, this ain't phrased so well anymore huh... I uh... don't have the time or energy to get into it right now. Ha ha, that's a facade ain't it? I'm just too uncomfortable with telling you this. And I also wanna be done with this game. Is that okay? I don't know if that's okay. I'm scared to love. Or maybe just prone to complacency with my current situation. Love is hard, and I'm pretty lazy. Dunno, maybe a day will come when I start loving full-time. Love hurts, but not loving hurts in a different way.


no u

Text maker here. Thanks for reading, and I'm glad you liked it!

I kinda wish there was more about Kana and Kotohime's time together. Months of interactions get skipped over, but maybe their friendship is cute enough to warrant a couple more scenes depicting it.

Yeah, you're right on the suddenness of Latter Part's ending. Sorry Keine got so sidelined there. I had contemplated having another scene or two involving Keine, exploring her relationship with Mokou and leading in to the final scene a little better. But there was basically no chance we were going to get a sprite for Keine in time, and I wasn't very confident in writing her as a character. It's the same deal with Reisen, though at least we could reuse a (beautiful) sprite from another project for her-- Keine had no such luck.

The bullet hell section was going to become a selectable option in the menu, but we ran out of time. Maybe we'll add one in an update.

(1 edit)

Thanks for reading, and for the positive & negative feedback. It's much appreciated.

Yeah, I wish we did more with Reisen. There were three things holding me back from having her be a main main character. First, I knew from the start that we probably weren't gonna get decent art for her in time, and I didn't want to give her tons of emotional stuff when she looks like a cardboard cutout. Second, it seems she gets a lot of characterization and development in 14.5 thru 15.5, and I haven't played any of those games, so I'm not very confident in writing her. And third, as you guessed, Kotohime's perspective-- she's not present in the moments where Kana and Reisen's relationship develops, so all she sees is that years passed and now they're all sweetey-lovey. Still, I agree that it's a crime Reisen gets sidelined so hard here.

For the epilogue...


Lbh'er abg ernyyl "zvffvat pyhrf" be nalguvat yvxr gung. Gur rcvybthr vf fhccbfrq gb yrnir lbh jvgu zber dhrfgvbaf guna lbh fgnegrq jvgu, naq jung npghnyyl unccraf vf hc gb lbhe bja crefbany vagrecergngvba.

Bar guvat V jvyy fnl: Lbh'er evtug nobhg gur ybaryvarff gurzr. Xbgbuvzr vf fbegn qrirybcrq ivpnevbhfyl guebhtu gur bgure punenpgref. Xnan'f frnepu sbe n ybivat ubzr, Ervfra'f vfbyngvba sebz gur bgure zbba enoovgf (juvpu fnqyl qbrf abg trg rkcyberq urer), Xnthln'f frys-vasyvpgrq frpyhfvba, naq Zbxbh'f eryhpgnapr gb yrg tb bs n tehqtr gung ab ybatre unf gb thvqr ure npgvbaf. Nyy bs gurfr gebhoyrf ner ersyrpgrq va Xbgbuvzr va gur Rcvybthr.

Gubhtu, gb zr, Xbgbuvzr orvat n cevaprff jvgu birecebgrpgvir cneragf vfa'g rknpgyl n jvfu fur unf. Zber yvxr n jnl gb uvqr ure ybaryvarff va cynva fvtug. Sebz gur jnl fur gnyxf nobhg ure cneragf, nyy gurl frrz gb qb vf xrrc ure sebz vagrenpgvat jvgu gur bhgfvqr jbeyq. Yvxr Xnan fnlf, gurl'er gur "zbafgre va ure pybfrg. Fbzrguvat gb cebwrpg nyy gur srne naq fnqarff bagb."