Woah, this has some crazy production value. Like, where do I start?
There's so many CGs here! They're all well-drawn, and do a great job of accenting the scenes they show up on. Really, I love how most of them do a "show don't tell" job, rather than them just like visually showing something the narration is describing. The regular sprite art is great too. And also, zamn, full voice acting ain't something I'd expect out of a jam game. They were all really fun to listen to, and even though it ain't perfect all the time, the more awkward linereads and such were more charming than anything. I think Sumireko and Mystia are my favorites to listen to. Just so goofy and fun. Haru does a great job as well. The minigames are really nice-- pretty impressive that ya got so much going on here, and they're all really responsive and fun for what they are. I think whack-a-fumo was my favorite, just cuz of silly twitchy-gamer brain.
Sumireko's story was pretty cute. I quite like storylines that kinda bridge the gap between Gensokyo and the Outside World, even if only a little. Haru's story was nice and had a pretty cool way of integrating magicstuff, but the blushy kiss at the end kinda felt kinda weird to me, both because I'm not a huge fan of the "thank you for helping me out *gives you a little kiss as a reward*" trope thingy, and cuz I kinda assumed she was like, 11. I mean Touhou ages are nebulous as all hell, and the story doesn't dwell on that moment too hard, so I don't care that much. And though I quite liked Seiran's story, I think the tearful monologue towards the end may have went on for a couple lines too long. That little bait-and-switch ending was neat, though.
While I find the "Use of LGBTQ+ themes" here to be pretty on-the-nose and unsubtle, that's not a bad thing. If anything, it's pretty refreshing to have such a variety of stories where everyone's nice and ends up happy by the end.
Maybe I missed something, but what's with Koishi appearing right at the end and doing the kissykiss? Either I missed something really important early on or that whole thing should've had a bit more foreshadowing. Also, I'm not sure if the New Game Plus type feature gives you extra content-- I'd assume it does, but I went through the game a second time with the new items and nothing new happened, it seemed.
Apologies if my feedback is poor, or sounds overly harsh-- there's a lot more I could say, but it might require a second read-through, and it's a bit late for me. I quite liked this game, though.
In short, it's like a summer festival-- lovingly put together, full of variety, colour, and warmth, all combined to sweep you off your feet and let you forget your troubles for a little while.