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I have a black screen when I playtest the game.

I turned the plugin off and it is this one which make the game screen black.

I only changed the background movie setting, added the name "Before", which is the name of my .mp4 video, which is in the correct project and in the movies folder, both are written the same way except for .mp4.

Do you have any ideas of what I did wrong ?

Hello, I'm sorry you're having this issue! I'm not too sure what's causing this to happen, it appears you've set up the parameters correctly and have the video files in the correct folder.
Is there perhaps another plugin which might be conflicting with this one?  When do you get a black screen? Immediately upon boot? Does it say anything in console? 

If you're still having this issue then I'll need more information to understand why it's happening and I'll be happy to help solve it.

Thank you and good luck!

Hi, thank you for the fast response.

I get the black screen immediately upon boot.

I searched how to get the console but I didn't see how on mz.

I let you my plugin manager.

Would the fact it's mp4 be the problem? I just tried to add a movie in the game commands and it does not detect mp.4.

You should have both mp4 and webm versions of your video files within your movies folder, though typically if you're missing the webm version you would just end up having no videos playing on your title screen, what kind of black screen are you getting? Like it never even reaches the title screen? Or is the background behind the title screen black?

If it's just a black screen before the title screen and you never get to the title screen then it might be worthwhile to test disabling other plugins to see if any of them are conflicting somehow. 

Also ensure that your videos are converted properly from mp4 to webm, incorrect conversion can cause issues as well.

If we can find an incompatibility I'll get to work finding a fix for it.


Thank you for the help, the problem was with my format video.

Wonderful! I'm glad you got it all working! If you encounter any other problems be sure to let me know!

Happy game making!