Incredible art and experience. 5* naturally, for graphics. I love your style a lot; amazingly talented!
I knew I had to play this game immediately. Mushi-shi is my favourite anime of all time and this story could easily be an episode there (if you haven't heard of it, you should check it out!) I've always loved the idea of each mountain having a lord, and that humans and nature needed to live in harmony.
The UI was beautifully integrated with the brushstroke panels, and i loved the simple audio feedback of the mouse-overs and clicks. The ambient sfx on the mountain hike was great, and I wished there were some Japanese folk music to further build the atmosphere (again, check out mushi-shi for the vibe!)
The game's art is too good to play on anything less than full-screen. And I hope you activate the option so more people can admire your art in greater details! You should even be able to do it, by ticking the box that says "Fullscreen button" on the itch page!
Congratulations on your amazing submission!