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busride studio

A member registered Feb 23, 2024 · View creator page →

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Thanks for playing Mystery, and for your kind words!

Yes passive knocked it out of the park again with the amount of audio he put out (When i wired them in, game file went from 40mb to 100+mb). There were actually unique "walking" sounds for EACH cryptid, but I failed to wired them in before the deadline.

On top of passive and I, we've got an artist friend @junkgolem this time who made the cryptids and biomes come to life with her art!

Glad you had fun with this; we enjoyed ourselves making this as well!

Thanks for playing ignte! We're glad you like the art by @junkgolem!  Yea perhaps an accessibility option was to let players choose between "experience mode" (no timers) vs "arcade mode"!

Thanks for playing yblade! Ah we had tweaked the requests deadline to be slower for this jam! We wanted to have some tension to make gameplay more fun, but not overwhelm players.

(1 edit)

Top-quality entry as usual Mystery!

Well played on the theme and "tag" wildcard! The puzzles were creative, ramped perfectly in difficulty, and were tough but fair. Took me a few tries on the later stages, but never did the goal feel insurmountable. Hooked me till the end.

Narrative was your strong suite as always. Music matched the theme and feel of the game. Handdrawn graphics was charming (i spy the same door from GWJ69!)

I'm glad I got around to it before the jam ended. Enjoyed this greatly; one of my favourites this jam! Congratulations on another great entry!

Incredible art and experience. 5* naturally, for graphics. I love your style a lot; amazingly talented!

I knew I had to play this game immediately. Mushi-shi is my favourite anime of all time and this story could easily be an episode there (if you haven't heard of it, you should check it out!) I've always loved the idea of each mountain having a lord, and that humans and nature needed to live in harmony.

The UI was beautifully integrated with the brushstroke panels, and i loved the simple audio feedback of the mouse-overs and clicks. The ambient sfx on the mountain hike was great, and I wished there were some Japanese folk music to further build the atmosphere (again, check out mushi-shi for the vibe!)

The game's art is too good to play on anything less than full-screen. And I hope you activate the option so more people can admire your art in greater details! You should even be able to do it, by ticking the box that says "Fullscreen button" on the itch page!

Congratulations on your amazing submission!

Thanks for playing Enagan! We hope the UI wasn't too confusing to navigate!

Thanks for playing merunicorn (or should say.. princess?) Glad you had fun playing it ;)

Thanks for playing hob! Yea we too had nostalgia from that era of gaming, and it was a big inspiration for this game!

Thanks for playing reno! Glad you noted the fact that the cryptids had bedtimes! The mothmen's probiscus was a very nice touch indeed by @junkgolem!

I noticed the issue iwth the Folkedex buttons post-submission! I think it had to do with my custom button class top node not "Passing" mouse inputs to the child Area2D detecting mouse overs. Have made the changes for the next time I use that custom node! Thanks for pointing it out!

Thanks for playing stormring! Yea the tutorial aspect was definitely the biggest thing we needed to work on! But glad you still figured out how to play eventually!

Thanks for playing hatmix!

Thanks for playing Circle House! Glad you enjoyed it!

Thanks for playing Delvan! Yea a heavier emphasis on using the mouse as a controller would indeed make it easier to take photos! As it stands there does seem to be too many buttons! Thanks for the feedback!

Thanks for playing Specturnal! We too fell in love with the critters @junkgolem conjured up!

Thanks for playing ned! Yes we hope you will join us again in future

Thanks for playing Walkman! Glad you enjoyed it!

Thanks for playing Brather! Glad you enjoyed it!

This took a while to figure out, but the sandbox tutorial did help! I stuck with it and im glad I did! It turned out really fun after I got a few upgrades (i love the catching rate up!) The concept of drawing circles to cast spell and catch monsters is really unique!

After a while i was leveling faster than i could keep up, but i got cocky and died in a swarm.

Solid entry!

I love the concept and the art style on this! Really charming game...

The 5 second countdown though... genius evil. I forget everything in that 5 seconds.

Also.. " I want to look hot"? Do I look like a magician to you my dear client? Hilarious writing, her niece indeed could have done a better job of remembering details than me!

Solid, enjoyable entry with smooth gameplay, clean UI, awesome art! Love it!

Hades for gameboy indeed! I liked the cohesive art direction for this game. The combat pacing was tight, boy was I glad when I saw health potions drop when I most needed it. And the dash was a good way to get out of a goblin swarm in a pinch.

The hit range could perhaps be lengthened to make the game feel more forgiving. And a QOL improvement might be to allow players to hit vertically instead of only horizontally. 

Solid entry for a first game jam entry overall!

Ah a maze runner! I liked the music and art and the fog shader!

I had wanted to ask, what the merlin markers did, but halfway through the game, I assumed it was to serve as a breadcrumbs trail to make sure we don't go in circles, nice touch!

I think the game probably needs a shorter maze, or some other elements to promote gameplay so it doesnt feel too repetitive. Also, you can enable a fullscreen button when uploading your web-emb to itch! That might help!

OK I GOT GOOSEBUMPS from playing this.

"hmm there's a fridge, lets try to see if we can open it.. wait,, a door opened, must be a bug, lets go through it...

WHAT THE HECK its a skeleon man!!"

Insanely good job on the atmosphere setting and the surreal recusive nature of the doors. I was too creeped out by the music and the setting so I didnt finish, but this is a good outcome for a horror game.

Well done!

Ok so i have questions.

1. Are the art all handdrawn?

2. Who was the genius that came up with the 2.5D navigation system?

3. Who wrote the jester lines and where can I buy his next book?


I loved everything about this game! The art style, the clever writing, the quests, the movement system. Everything flowed so smoothly that I just HAD to finish the game! Kudos to the entire team, everyone clearly played their parts to the utmost!

Congratulations on an incredible entry! Easily one of my favourites this time!

Thanks for playing Kissa! We're glad you liked it!

Thanks for playing and for your kind words Soda!

It was the first time we are working together as a team, but we were thrilled that we matched immediately on the art, music and gameplay directions! We wanted to polish the game as much as we could, and we're glad you enjoyed it!

Thanks for playing NInja! We definitely need to work on the itch page tutorial, or a in-game play-by-play walkthrough! But glad that you figured out how to play intuitively!

Thanks for playing PGT! I'm glad you noticed that the ambient sounds change with the day night cycles! When our musician @passivistefforts suggested it I too was immediately sold on the idea! It was the first time we are working with our artist @junkgolem, but we were thrilled that we matched immediately on the art, music and gameplay directions!

Unfortunately, given the creatures bedtimes, I dont think it would have been possible to get them all in one photo. One of them is always asleep at some point :D

Thanks for playing Yoneda and for your kind words!
Indeed, there were quite a few actions possible. At first we did not even have hotkeys until @passivistefforts suggested it, could you imagine?

Our artist @junkgolem would be thrilled to hear that you found the creatures cute (we did too :D)!

Thanks for playing Terrors! The art and animations that @junkgolem drew was a big part on our motivation to push this game through too! Agree that the cooldown on the photo taking could be tweaked down, maybe to 1 second!

Thanks for playing Pastry! :D

Thanks for playing John! @junkgolem and @passivistefforts never fail to deliver on art and music respectively! Agree on the menu animations, speeding them up a few FPS per frame would be ideal. We hope you had fun photographing our resident cryptids!

Thanks for playing basement! We hope you had fun traversing the different biomes and enjoying the unique art and music in each one!

Thanks Pasta for playing! I was sold immediately when @junkgolem and @passivistefforts told me about their idea for the game! Then all of us spent the past week crunching together to get it out. It was a mad but awesome week for us!

Thanks zion! Yes @junkgolem really blew us away too with the art!

Creative puzzler with a charming art style! It was a clever take on the "play multiple characters" wildcard!

I think at small scales or from weird angles (e.g. from the back) it's not easy to tell the monkeys apart. Also, the monkeys blocking each other sometimes may work in the games favor where I find it hard to use the other 2 monkeys that can't push blocks.

With a bit of finessing, I think this will be a game with a really cool concept!

Creative puzzler with a charming art style! It was a clever take on the "play multiple characters" wildcard!

I think at small scales or from weird angles (e.g. from the back) it's not easy to tell the monkeys apart. Also, the monkeys blocking each other sometimes may work in the games favor where I find it hard to use the other 2 monkeys that can't push blocks.

With a bit of finessing, I think this will be a game with a really cool concept!

Is this a pun on "OK Cupid"? If so, well done!
Nice take on the theme of playing as multiple characters!

Quirky, funny game! I had fun chatting up cryptids. The animated character portraits looked really cool, plus their mouth movements were synced with their chatlines!

My one feedback would be, not to use white as the font color on hover for buttons with your buttons color. It made the words invisible! Also, a good QOL UI element might be 2 squares, one to show each player that was already selected.

I finished the game!! 

- "...don't pick the hardest option.. don't pick the hardest option..." 

- annnnnd we have Double Ogres...

I really liked the way you allowed players to choose the monsters they fight! Really on theme with folklore.

The aoe spell was slightly hard to land at first, but once you get used to the timing it's a good skill, fair with cooldown.

One QOL improvement would be to allow players to hit where their mouse pointer is facing. I had a few awkward situations where I needed to quickly tap arrow keys to move and face my mossfolk in the right direction.

Fun little game overall! Solid entry~!

Pets!! That's an autowin for me.Plus the "HAHA" every time I made a choice was hilarious.

I got a ridiculous build with double weasels + exp boosts + aoe exp burn and I was leveling up so fast its insane. But in a fun way. Only QOL improvement I can think of is, to perhaps have a attack indicator before eagles dive at me. 

But otherwise, I had fun with this entry!

I slayed the dragon with a lady who turned 100 and arms are sinewy.. after much carnage.

I'm going to do this review a bit differently from how I usually do them, and start with the areas for improvements. I did enjoy reading the story, but i feel a QOL improvement would be to allow players to transition the script forward if they're done reading it. It's also weird that players moved as fast as arrows fly. There was also a bug where I picked up 100+ of arrows suddenly (but unfortunately arrow-hoarder-guy died shortly after to dragonfire.

BUT. I highly applaud the clever thought and effort gone into ticking off all 3 wildcards + theme. And what a splendid effort it was! I really liked the idea of how some descendants are linekd to their forebears through story, and the ability to mourn them was a superb touch. At first I was going to nitpick at the character sprite, but in the context of recursion, it was actually pretty hilarious.

Kudos to the writer. The clever writing and the cheeky humor in the character backstories were not lost on me. Part of me wanted to keep them dying so I can read through them all. Out of curiosity, how many were written?

Thoroughly entertained with this one. Well done!!