Hello, had a small play with this. I love the font choice. Is the carry limit 2 purposefully? I seem to be having to do more item management than usual.
I've found my way out the room, I have the pendant and a cookbook now. I can't seem to do anything with the dog, the dirt, the suit or armour, or find a key to the other locked door. I am looking for something to dig with, maybe the dog can help - but it appears the dog wants to eat me.
Suggestion ... maybe put a linger() counter on the dog, with a warning one tick before he attacks you (game over). I hung around the dog (wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait) but even though the dog was described as dangerous, he didn't seem to do anything intimidating. It's a good place to put incidental messages (as
Maybe add something like:
on_tick { : if (is_present "hungry_dog") { : if (linger() == 1) { : print "The dog stares at you and growls."; } : else_if (linger() == 3) { : print "The dog starts to move towards you ..."; } : else_if (linger() == 5) { : print "The dog pounces on you, Game over"; : end_game; } } }
The linger function will return integer ZERO (0) when you enter a location for the first time. After each game tick, the linger function will increment by 1. When you enter a new location, the linger() counter returns to zero.
A discussion of the linger() function is found in this section of the tutorial:
... about the Spanish inquisition image, maybe not a good idea. You need to have rights to use all assets you use in the terms of the jam.