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another bug, or rather, something that could be improved, this time gameplay wise.. I researched and built everything possible (save for the last carbon garden). I make 225 water from the pump and 200 from the purifier (425 total) and lose 128 from replicator/greenhouse/carbon garden and 320 from drinking (448 total). That's without Tony's taxes. Even with the fully upgraded pump from houston (50 a day), that's not really gonna cut it - But I can't turn off the carbon garden or something to save water.

I think either there should be more water upgrades or the upgrades should increase water more. Probably better the latter, before rescuing the 4 girls, I spent several weeks doing nothing but just researching water stuff and building them, hardly riveting gameplay (and all quests I did in the meantime when I got sick of skip time/sleep/skip time) seemed to add new people to the shelter :D