ah damn, it's hidden behind the rating. I even asked chatgpt and it said there are only comments on itch.io.
Well no idea if you ever see this reply as I'm gonna delete the post now
Recent community posts
great game, thanks Faust. I got it from somewhere else at first, went back here to throw you some bucks.
I just wish you had some sort of checklist with which girl you could continue at the moment/which ones are finished. Quite a few times I had no idea what to do an the only unfinished ones I remembered told me "I need something more"
generally nice, but hampered by fatal flaws. 1: you shoot way above where the target pointer is, making it useless. 2: movement is floaty and there's very little to no air control, not the best for a first person platformer. If you accidently land on one of the water dispensers instead of the platform, you're as good as dead because any movement will fling you off the platform. 3: you constantly get stuck in the floor without any way to unstuck except "exit to menu". Twice I got stuck before the third area. Not bothering any more
Gotta say, even tho VN is not really my genre, I played quite a few, including other 3D model ones. But this is one of the few where the clothes actually look good and not like painted on. Still a tendency to be a bit too perfectly form fitting but nothing compared to other games. Weird that this is one of the things I noticed most but there it is.
Also, nice story - usually VNs bore me quickly, not so this time.
I hope I remember to check back in a year or so when there hopefully was an update again
another bug, or rather, something that could be improved, this time gameplay wise.. I researched and built everything possible (save for the last carbon garden). I make 225 water from the pump and 200 from the purifier (425 total) and lose 128 from replicator/greenhouse/carbon garden and 320 from drinking (448 total). That's without Tony's taxes. Even with the fully upgraded pump from houston (50 a day), that's not really gonna cut it - But I can't turn off the carbon garden or something to save water.
I think either there should be more water upgrades or the upgrades should increase water more. Probably better the latter, before rescuing the 4 girls, I spent several weeks doing nothing but just researching water stuff and building them, hardly riveting gameplay (and all quests I did in the meantime when I got sick of skip time/sleep/skip time) seemed to add new people to the shelter :D
I'm curious of why I'm the first person to mention it, but if you go to settings -> video, changing the mode to "windowed" doesn't change anything, it stays fullscreen windowed. Changing the resolution doesn't actually seem to change the resolution - which makes sense in windowed fullscreen, at best the image gets slightly blurry, but it just cuts off the edges of the screen according to the aspect ratio. For example, if I change it to 1600x1200 (4:3) (native 16:9) I can only see half of the "close" button any more and left and right are black borders. I assume even if windowed mode would work, it would break in different aspect ratios.
Switching between windowed and windowed fullscreen most of the time does nothing, but sometimes freaks it out, once I had the game on both my screens.
Checking data/save/settings.xml, the setting "window mode" stays at intvalue/floatvalue = 0 and stringvalue empty, no matter which window mode I chose. Setting the string value to "windowed" just for a test did nothing, unsurprisingly.
Also, the drop down in settings -> languages is empty
Windows 10 pro, native resolution 2560x1440 144hz, two screens (game on screen 1), game version v. 0.88
And I doubt that matters, but for completeness' sake: running as administrator changes nothing, restarting the game changes nothing, graphics card is AMD ryzen 7 7800x3D, and it's not in a dir protected by the windows access control system (like c:\program files)
"Your Dad ?...Don't listen to him too much...
Suck......Boomer !!"
this is, spaces and all, one of the first dialogues in the game. It's hard to believe even machine translation was this awful.
I hoped the others would be better than gladiator girl. Guess not. you should give DeepL a try.
Well that winter sale managed to be a colossal waste of money at just 12 bucks. impressive.
the very first fight is only winnable if you keep enter held down and appeased the RNG gods that one of the enemies misses and you don't. I had to try it like 5 times. What an awful game design when the very first fight requires you nit to look at the interface at all, not to make any smart choices, just attack before the enemy does.
Even tho I got it on winter sale, I regret the money I put towards it. The only reason anyone would design the very first fight like that is they hated any player of their game.
I strongly advice against getting this. I really hope the other games by this creator are better because I got the fucking bundle. screw me I guess.
Got that fatal error as well (also on the hogwarts one). Browser is Firefox 88 on Linux Mint, so probably not one you tested.
It's in the creation of the SimpleStore object. I won't even attempt to debug minified code, but here's the stacktrace: https://pastebin.com/hR5PFKiF
Both games work on Chrome on the same system.