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(3 edits)

holy shit this was intense...........

i'm aroace and i had a short relationship before i discovered i'm aro, and honestly the game reminded me so much of how it was and how it ended. the accuracy was insane....... 

i loved the music too. the vibe it gave was spotless.

now onto the questions...

1. Did believing you could play this only once impact how you made decisions?

yes, definitely. again, i had a similar situation and playing it was like reliving it again. each option was hella scary and it took me a while to decide.

2. What do SAL and Ash look like in your mind? Did you mentally assign a gender to either or both characters?

tbh in my head SAL is like HAL from space odyssey but inside those big white computers from early 2000's lol (i didn't assign a gender to them)

and ash looks like a nonbinary person to me. short platinum hair with a red lock... (i feel i imagined them as an existing character but i can't remember who it was. if i remember i'll edit this comment.)

3. What choices did you make? How did your game end?

i chose to explain how logically SAL viewed their relationship, and how they firmly believed it was doomed to destroy each other. the game ended up cold, silent, leaning to a possible hopeful future where they still talk, but personally, i don't believe they would continue for much longer.

4. What did you like and dislike about this game?

i liked everything.

5. How did this game make you feel?

very conflicted lmao. it was very hard to navigate through (emotionally) and seeing ash trying to "save" the relationship was heartbreaking but a bit annoying too. as if they didn't understand SAL... because, well, they don't. as much as they want, they don't, and their optimism is inspiring and almost comforting but it wouldn't fit in this situation or fix this 'problem'. it would destroy them in the future, and it would be way worse to deal with. (my opinion...)

6. Do you want to see these characters again? What would you want to see in a follow-up?

honestly no? i think the game is good as it is.

7. What predictions do you have for SAL and Ash's relationship? Where do you see it going?

i answered this on question 3 but yeah, from my gameplay, i don't think they would last for longer. ash would be hurt because they would keep pushing to come closer and understand SAL but they just can't do that. their idealism would be ruined and that hurts. maybe SAL would grow more and more distant because they would notice that until they both drifted apart. idk. maybe i'm just pessimistic lol

8. Any other things you want to mention?

not really. this game was really good, though. maybe i'll play it again to see how it goes. thanks for making it. :))


Thank you for sharing!  I'm also aroace (or at least asexual and on the aromantic spectrum), so I feel you.  Thanks for your detailed thoughts!