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That’s nuts that games with aftercare exist :o I can’t even imagine ever needing that myself, but I know everyone’s different! Obscura is actually on my list of stuff that I really play at some point but just haven’t had time to yet!! x3

Sadly, Scream Camp (which was the 18+ event I’ve been to before) has been cancelled for this year :( Every. single. date.

They had some sorta issues with the landowners or something where they operate the show/experience, so it just collapsed >.< They did say that they’ll be back in 2025, but I won’t hold my breath because I’ve been booked in to take part in other 18+ horror events before that have ended up not running for one reason or another. They say they will be running X year, and then just don’t and you never hear from them again >.< I just wish they would be honest. If you can’t run the event, just say that T_T

But yeah, I can’t imagine ever using a safe word personally x3 I’m too stubborn, haha. I’d rather endure the pain or whatever than say the word. And besides, it’s all safe at the end of the day so it’s not like you’re actually gonna die or anything!

Although… I have seen multiple horror movies where the characters are going to scare events and it turns out there are real killers there xD So that is always in the back of my mind whenever I go to irl horror stuff because it could technically happen, haha.


I suggest trying out Obscura! I relate to you lots lol... I also don't feel the need for a safe word as I am VERY stubborn. Either way, I have never heard of scream camps! They sound interesting but I doubt such events would happen in my country as horror escape rooms are rare enough. That sounds really fun though! I'd join one if I could ^_^ Sounds really unfortunate that they're having issues with it!! I honestly did not expect a real life game event haha but this is news to me... I should research more about it I'm so interestedddd :D

Honestly my mind is in the wrong way considering I like your characters LMFAO so game events such as these sounds like my type of fun ‼️ Thanks for that ( even though I'm far from UK ) 

I definitely will whenever I get time :3 I have bumped it higher up my ‘things I need to play someday’ list, haha.

Well, if your mind is like that, mine must be too for coming up with these kinds of characters x3 hehe. I think what’s really cool about irl horror events, especially full-contact ones, is that while the actors are terrifying when they’re in character and doing their jobs, they often tend to be super lovely people when they’re not acting :3 

I’ve always just found that to be extra heartwarming cos it’s like, they scare because they care xD


Oh!! Now I feel like you need to do a game set in a horror event! Just how interesting would that be ( especially the characters! ) ^_^ Haha just kidding! That made my brain spark up with an idea.

Hehe, it’s funny you say that cos I did have an idea for one in that sorta setting that I jotted down a while ago, but I have resisted expanding on it so far x3 I should probably finish the projects I’ve got going before I get too deep into something else, haha.

Definitely wanna make something like that one day though :P