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I suggest trying out Obscura! I relate to you lots lol... I also don't feel the need for a safe word as I am VERY stubborn. Either way, I have never heard of scream camps! They sound interesting but I doubt such events would happen in my country as horror escape rooms are rare enough. That sounds really fun though! I'd join one if I could ^_^ Sounds really unfortunate that they're having issues with it!! I honestly did not expect a real life game event haha but this is news to me... I should research more about it I'm so interestedddd :D

Honestly my mind is in the wrong way considering I like your characters LMFAO so game events such as these sounds like my type of fun ‼️ Thanks for that ( even though I'm far from UK ) 

I definitely will whenever I get time :3 I have bumped it higher up my ‘things I need to play someday’ list, haha.

Well, if your mind is like that, mine must be too for coming up with these kinds of characters x3 hehe. I think what’s really cool about irl horror events, especially full-contact ones, is that while the actors are terrifying when they’re in character and doing their jobs, they often tend to be super lovely people when they’re not acting :3 

I’ve always just found that to be extra heartwarming cos it’s like, they scare because they care xD


Oh!! Now I feel like you need to do a game set in a horror event! Just how interesting would that be ( especially the characters! ) ^_^ Haha just kidding! That made my brain spark up with an idea.

Hehe, it’s funny you say that cos I did have an idea for one in that sorta setting that I jotted down a while ago, but I have resisted expanding on it so far x3 I should probably finish the projects I’ve got going before I get too deep into something else, haha.

Definitely wanna make something like that one day though :P