Nice game!
Although really simple now it can be a great basis for further development.
The visuals are great - the fruit UI icon is a bit deformed but that's not a big issue.
The music is really simple (in a good way) and relaxing and it fits the game.
Some things that could be changed / added:
- Bigger variety of enemies.
- Bigger variety of food
- Better enemy spawning. There were some occasions when the enemis spawned almost right on my character and took out a big chunk of my HP (in this case Time)
- The controls are good but I think I would add mouse as a way of shooting / aiming. After that maybe gamepad as well.
- Mouse aiming + bigger enemy variety means some upgrade could be implemented. Things like projectile cound, damage or even weapon type.
- Map can be bigger and smaller. - Changing every game.
- Multiple music tracks for multiple biomes.