Perfectly polished visuals / gameplay and great style, good music.
For a 48 hour jam this is incredible!
Thanks! I wanted the game to be UIless and it's resulted in leaving a lot of screen space unused. On the other hand I find it likable, since you are a sniper mage camping far away from the castle, seeing the big black sky at nightfall makes it more athmospheric.
Altough I agree that maybe it's a little bit too big even for my taste :D
Very good production value! Felt some free hidden-gem game I could find on an old Gamestar or PC Guru DVD then playing it for hours without an end :D
I had 3 idea for this game jam, the deck builder was the 3rd, the 1st was something like a "dark souls like boss rush" and the second was a pixelart top-down scifi shooter so you nailed the genre of my second idea :D
My idea was boring tho and abandoned it, your game is fun and greatly coherent with the art and music - and also the rap song in the YT video is wild!
All in all, great submission :D
Music / SFX /ambience, visuals and atmoshpere are absolutely stunning!
As for gameplay it was a bit hard to control. I had to fiddle around a lot for rotation / move / attack sequences and lot of times I missed the oppurtunity to strike due to colddown times.
Overall a good game and with some gameplay polish I would play it more.
Controls were strange at first but I got used to it. The game is fun and well executed - and good idea!
My only problem was the lagging. I myself use Godot for every game project and I know it's quite easy to make something laggy - but even harder to get rid of the lag.
The lagging starts when I'm trying to rotate, change my course so it may have to do something with the calculations / visual aid for moving and trajectory change.
"Typing action games" and similar stuff are a rare sight nowadays, especially in the game jam, so +1 for choosing this genre :D
The artstyle is nice, reminds me of Vampire Survivors, I like how the game mixes the "arena roguelite" genre with the typing system. The end result is a unique and fun take on the genre, so kudos!
Really good concept - and I always loved and still love the neon artstyle in games :D
Visually and gameplaywise it's a really polished game so kudos for the work!
It was a bit laggy in my browser but my PC is not a fusion-reactor so that was expectable. The controls felt a bit strange at first and somehow I didn't have ammunition and didn't really figured out right away how / where / what.
The multiplayer factor is also good, usually multiplayer games are rare in game jams so it's always a breath of fresh air!
One of the best submissions. Elevator descending into hell / madness / ...etc is a good plot device, done in a good way here.
The end with the unborn child was some crazy f**** up stuff - and fitting for the game.
Gameplay is minimal but it's not a problem since walking-sim horrors can be really great, especially at storytelling since it's their focus among the atmoshpere and here both was greatly done.
Thanks for playing! :)
The screen shake is something everyone is complaining about. I had to reduce it once - and I reduced it MUCH - and what you see know is the lessened version, still everyone complaining. :D
I'm not saying this as a negative thing tho, it's good to have feedback.
I think the best option would be a screenshake slider - making the current value the maximum - / checkbox to customize it or turn it off optionally. After the jam ends I'll probably add a slider/checkbox pair for that.
About the HP I might increase it to the 1.5 of the current value but I'm not sure yet...I spent some time balancing it, cause I want to find a spot between "not easy, not too hard" and "Alf-F4" where it's challenging but not ridicoulously challenging to reach a good highscore.
Surprised nobody commented on this game yet, it's a really good, polished work.
I played it all the way till the end and it was fun and not too challenging but not too easy, well balanced.
The final boss felt a bit annoying because it felt like there was like 1 frame to dodge but aside from that I have nothing to complain about.
Music is good, vfx, art is good, story is good.
Never played Helltaker myself but seen gameplay and reminded me of that game.
Good job :)
Really cool atmoshpere and nice graphics. The colors matches the darkness really well.
The floating head was a bit strange, maybe you could make it's position fix to one of the corners followed by the text. The jump height could be a little bigger because it was hard to jump on the blocks sometimes but nothing serious. The volume was a bit too low, I had to turn my own volume up by ~300% to hear the game more properly. These are merely technical flaws so the gameplay itself is still enjoyable :)
The story is insteresting and I liked the exploration aspect. Good job!