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I'm Rooting for you! I really enjoyed playing the game. I'd suggest to let the players decide when to start the next Root would be really helpful instead of spawning it as soon as they grab a water. Letting the player choose to spawn on mouse click can help avoid starting in the wrong direction and possibly screwing the player over for any next spawns. Or it would be nice if there was a grace period at the start of spawn so that players could move a radius of units without worry about hitting another root. Towards the end of one of my runs, the game started to get very choppy and I'm not sure what caused that, might want to look into that. Maybe too many objects spawned or the noise was overlapping or if Resetting the game didn't reset variables so multiple games worth of assets were loaded at the same time. At about score 15 this would happen to me with maybe 10 or so bad Roots. The noise seemed to get a bit louder the more roots that spawned.

The waiting would have been an good idea. The radius is not mentioned anywhere, but it is in the game already, it grows over time, its the black circle around the ground at start.

Yeah, sorry for the choppiness, didnt have time to polish that part XD. After restarting the run, there were still problems??. Also, the sound was a last second add, not my favorite either.