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Nice lil' gravity gun you got there, complete with launch function.  Made for some simple yet kinetic puzzles!  Unfortunately, I got to a spot where the dotted line paths suggested I needed to go, and wasn't able to jump across to jump strength.  (Was I supposed to put the cube down and jump down onto it?  If so, neato!)  Considering you have a side post on the gun, perhaps consider a two-handed attach, as the other hand really has nothing to do, and thus you'd stabilize the firing experience and engage the player more doing so?  Nice work!

Thanks for the feedback :) there actually aren't any place where you need to jump except for the end where the big robot is and if you are talking about where there is text saying "press A to jump if needed" it is more of a help then anything in case the cube was not correctly pushed. Also yeah I know about the two handed grab I should've removed the handle or add last minute two handed grab though I was too lazy to change it lol(and not enough time). But thank you very much for the feedback :)


Hey there, here's some comments from a second playthrough.  I realized I was trying to jump onto a trigger pad for a cube.  This was a little bit of an epiphany, and I was then able to play the rest of your game.  I liked the electric motors that would operate in 'forward' or 'reverse' depending on the charge you feed it, this spoke to the theme in a very direct way. My only suggestion this time around is that being able to draw/pull the charge/cube closer would have helped, but maybe I missed that control scheme?  I liked the physics of the grab cubes, how stacking them was part of the jumping puzzles, I liked the design of it all, and the whole game played smoothly.   Great job!

Thanks for the second feedback and I did think of adding the draw/pull function but forgot about it mid developpement lol. But I'll try thinking about this sort of thing in the futur :)