An overall 'chill' jam experience. Everybody's mentioning the spelling errors, so that's all I'm saying on that.
The music definitely was really nice, though I got a bit tired of listening to the piano loop in the safe room/place (with dave n snim) fairly quickly -I wish I could just tell him to stop playing that one- The rest of the music I could probably listen to much longer, so I'll definitely 'wish' for a ViRiX in the wild :3
I'm glad that Harold tries to hear both sides, even if we didn't actually hear the Pixies side of things :P (lemme guess: "it's just a prank, bro!" 0~0). Personally not a fan of the innuendo. Story was ok overall. I think one thing that wasn't explained too well, but the player will probably understand, is that each wish had to be about one person/thing at a time (or just nothing too big?)
I liked the mushroom level the most, honestly. It was the most relaxing area to be, no weird teleporting, just collecting. (kinda makes me want to play/make something all about collecting/gathering stuff in nature, I do have some old ideas...). Otherwise I'm sorta with Knight Shift (ironicbrew) in regards to the gameplay of the floating dots and mazes (not very enjoyable, though thankfully not too stressful outside all the accidental teleports thanks to impatience).