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A member registered Jan 05, 2019 · View creator page →

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Thanks for the feedback (and encouragement to rework this sometime).
Yeh, I really messed up my time management, i.e. not deving when I should have, so all that I got out was this unfinished thing. I'm glad at least that everybody thought the premise is interesting.

An overall 'chill' jam experience. Everybody's mentioning the spelling errors, so that's all I'm saying on that. 

The music definitely was really nice, though I got a bit tired of listening to the piano loop in the safe room/place (with dave n snim) fairly quickly -I wish I could just tell him to stop playing that one- The rest of the music I could probably listen to much longer, so I'll definitely 'wish' for a ViRiX in the wild :3

I'm glad that Harold tries to hear both sides, even if we didn't actually hear the Pixies side of things :P (lemme guess: "it's just a prank, bro!" 0~0). Personally not a fan of the innuendo. Story was ok overall. I think one thing that wasn't explained too well, but the player will probably understand, is that each wish had to be about one person/thing at a time (or just nothing too big?)

I liked the mushroom level the most, honestly. It was the most relaxing area to be, no weird teleporting, just collecting. (kinda makes me want to play/make something all about collecting/gathering stuff in nature, I do have some old ideas...). Otherwise I'm sorta with Knight Shift (ironicbrew) in regards to the gameplay of the floating dots and mazes (not very enjoyable, though thankfully not too stressful outside all the accidental teleports thanks to impatience).

Very interesting battle system, actually wouldn't mind to see a more full-fledged combat system around cooldowns like this :P

Story was interesting, too bad I don't know all the references either XD

Great music.

Thanks for the kind words!

It's totally my fault for wasting earlier days in the month, then trying to rush it out the door on the last day XD. (This leading to loads of issues that any proper testing would find ':D ) Suffice it to say that the current state of this entry is far from any of my plans :P

2 is pretty straightforward :P

So questions for clarification on two requirements:

  • 1. Character: Someone named David or Davina! They can have any design but must have that name. They must be in there, even as an NPC. Harold must also play a prominent role in your entry!

"as an NPC" is an optional suggestion for how this required character could be, right? So I could say, make the MC named it, or have a historical article about such a character or whatever right?

  • 3. Location: An island. The player must go there.

How literal of an island are we talking? Can it be metaphorical or symbolically an island? :P

Ooh, How did I not know this was being made by someone!

I loved that old game (it's one of the reasons I downloaded the Flashpoint app) so I'm definitely checking this out, hopeful to see your improvements and ideas.

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Usually not my kind of game: twitch time events :P (or I suppose it's more a pseudo-real-time battle system, which sounds better and like something I might play more often XD) Regardless, I was having a lot of fun; slowly getting used to the various enemy moves along with figuring out my own, the slow-drip of the story, upgrades, etc.

Also the game really reminds me of good old flash games  *The Nostalgia*

Loving the storytelling, having conversations with the opponents in either the arena or sparring works pretty well, along with the other stuff that happen in the first 3 or 4 losses. (I assume the characters without dialogue merely don't have them YET, because I want to hear what they have to say! Even a grunt or two would be nice :P)

(Though the convo where Assassin talks about revamping her order seemed a tad awkward... Perhaps too much detail, or talking too much? And I wasn't entirely sure why Gerald 'reconsidered' the offer :P)

Regarding the battlesystem, I'm liking how it really is both simple (you keep the same moves) and it still takes time and effort to master, thanks to the opponent designs. I haven't figured out how to defend against all the attacks, but I feel from how you design things that there's probably always a way.

(an idea: perhaps some moves could give a partial defensive bonus in some cases? I can't think of the example when it happened RN, but sorta like how you could cushion a blow by moving with it instead of simply taking it? This obviously wouldn't work on many attacks however, so it's just an idea)

I think it was pretty cool having the opponents be in a random order, giving the impression that they're also fighting in the tournament (though one wonders when one of them will achieve the wish ;P) EDIT: I guess I have to agree that some enemies don't seem to scale as well as each other, Imp is fairly weak (though the fake-out moves are nice) and Potion master's attacks overall seem just a tad too weak. EDIT2: Love the reference 'ancestral avatar' reference BTW.

Anyway, my main issue with the combat system is that for some reason, triggering Kicks (or Mana Drain) doesn't seem to be consistent for me. (I have trouble figuring out when the window to choose them remains open, sometimes it works when I think it should, othertimes it doesn't seem to.)

(so idea: perhaps a small fast bar for when you still can choose those options much like the one when standing still?) Thanks to the fact that it's always clear for other moves when I can (or should when defending) do them, I always know when lag is the issue.

NOTE: my PC is a potato, so some issues, including the above mentioned, may be a result of that. I was sometimes getting lots of stuttering, but closing some unnecessary apps mostly fixed the worse side of it :P...  Also randomly had all of the sound and music die, but that also happened a bit after windows explorer needed to restart... Anyways...

REACHED THE END OF DEMO?! (that Cheater Boss monster! No wonder nobody else got their wish XD) 

I want to know what happens next! Who's the voice calling for help (Imp seems to know something.) And why does nobody else seem to know anything (unless maybe the banished royalty was pretending not to hear..?) So many questions, I EAGERLY anticipate the finished game.

I'm curious, when will the current update drop?

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Looking good!
All the cutting of fluff is very important to improving the overall gameplay experience, but it's also nice to see the new features that are incoming.

Certainly curious what a full remake would be like.


Obviously the engine has it's visual coding system 'eventing', but there's also the code that underpins the games (can only be accessed from versions XP and up) which can be edited/removed... Either of which could potentially mean it doesn't qualify.

Can RPGMaker engines be used?


You may not use any pre-made assets or scripts.


⚙ Engine Stuff You can use any tools/editor extensions that do not directly add content to the game. e.g: Yarn, Bolt, Odin

Seem to tell me that's a no. (unless I go out of my way to remove all pre-made assets and code?)

(1 edit)

I forgot to say this earlier...

Thank you very much! And special thanks for  hosting the game jam.

I might even plan on making a full experience later out of this entry.

Actually until the voting is over for the Whiskers Gamejam, none of the participants can update their games.

Worked great on my PC.

Loved the pseudo-pixel look. 

And the allegorical story was great. People might think that eating the 'cake' is a way to survive the daily grind, but it always comes back to bite you. 

And no matter the addiction, if you feed it, it only gets bigger, less satisfying (the old stuff doesn't cut it anymore), And you have more of a cost to pay later.

I'm stuck between thinking that doing the job 15 times was too much, or that it was important to drive the point home. Probably the latter.

My PC is pretty low end, which means that again, this game was diffucult for it to play. Even after setting quality to low.

I couldn't really race because of that, kept clipping through objects and even falling through the map :P (that reset button was all that kept me going) Managed to finish the race dead-last, while the expert AI were all doing extra laps. *sigh*

At least the game looks pretty, and it's a funny concept. Sorry I couldn't do a better review.

Finally a 3D game my PC could run! :P

Anyways, on my best run I managed 7,115 points! *yay*

It's easy to play, and is that type of game where you might say 'just on more round' in order to improve your score. 

I think that there should be more longer platforms, partlly because of the glitches mentioned below.

Glitches noticed: 

1. sometimes when the cat's jumping to a smaller platforms, it seemed to be landing on the far edge (generally seemed to do so whenever the jump was 'perfect'?), 

2. once landed on the grass and the game tried to keep going (but the cat was stuck)

Seems my low-end PC can't open the game, and it doesn't seem to like godot, so I was unable to play it :(

(due to the GPU not supporting the opengl / vulkan versions?) 

My low-end PCs Graphics driver crashes every time I try to open the game, it doesn't seem to like Godot, so unable to play. :(

Note: My PC is pretty low-end giving me trouble playing this, and since the options menu seemed not to be working, I basically had to find the 'GameUserSettings' ini file to change things to allow the game to work.

Anyways, It was an interesting experience. Reminds me of playing Roblox games. I feel that the blocky nature of some assets was clashing in style to the other elements.

Personally had trouble moving around due to the latency I was still experiencing.

Definitely, scope creep (and general lack of skill perhaps) has been the bane of many a game jam project. (According to my Personal experience especially)

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I might have erred on making most of the game too easy, lol. (Especially the 'boss battle')

I was feeling quite rushed.

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This might have the answer, https://medium.com/star-gazers/understanding-time-deltatime-6528a8c2b5c8 (note: I haven't done any serious dev in Unity, and only briefly glanced at the article)

I'm pretty much working through all the games myself too. Outside the ones that get disqualified.

I pretty much agree with everything Lord Pillows here says.

Really love the artstyle here, this is also one of the shortest games in the jam so far (that I've tried)

Unfortunately, the physics seem pretty wonky. The cube will at times jump behind the character and into the previous level area, so a restart is necessary. Also unsure if there's anymore gameplay after reaching the area in This screenshot as I couldn't figure anyway past.

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I like the overall concept, though having played games that had similar elements I can easily find a lot that could be improved, given both time and thought. 

The most important problem is that the Action Turn System (the wait bars in conjunction with a turn-based combat system) was so slow as to artificially make the game longer then it needed to, and outside of showing that the final boss is REALLY slow at attacking, doesn't accomplish it's ideal purposes. I love the exploration music you picked, btw.

And the artstyle was cute.

Very much a nice relaxing vibe from this one, which is always great to have.

My gripe here is that I couldn't really figure out the underlying rules on why certain combinations resulted in more points, but I was able to just find them through some trial and error switching them out here and there. (Won on my second run through)

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I got stuck on the toggle level :P

However I found that it was a good level to work on learning, due to replaying it several times then finally giving up, your particular control scheme, which is pretty well done once you ignore any preconceptions you might have from other games. Though I got pretty annoyed times with wall jumping sometimes.

My one big gripe, however, is that the toggle blocks would sometimes toggle several times if you're falling onto them.

I managed to get 204 on my second run :P (my first ended quickly as I didn't realize you could duck)

Thank you very much! Glad I got a snort XD

Honestly wanted to have more endings, and more scenarios with your allies you need to save, available, but I was staying up late on a Saturday, and had to wake up earlyish the next day, so... :P

I'm curious how many endings you encountered, though I'd imagine you found them all.

Looks like it includes a Jam that ended BEFORE Whisker even started! https://itch.io/jam/gamedev-order-jam

Definitely a good fun game-play loop here, progressively harder, and an interesting take on the theme.

I'm definitely not good at rage platformers!

But I love the artwork and the story intro, something about that poor kitten just squeezes my heart.

All the cheese! Yum.

I feel that the movement transitions are too sluggish (i.e. switching directions) And I quickly lost patience because of that. Especially when some of the random areas require you to do that to progress, and the lava sure isn't slowed down so it feels like the game is cheating :P

I had to zoom out the page to actually see everything.

I really liked the visuals, though personally disliked the combat, so I just ran for the most part :P 

Anyways, I'm not sure if I got stuck, but when I got back to the overworld, I was clicking furiously to beat the other cats, I did, but my cat was then stuck in an endless attack loop (I could move around freely as normal) and nothing else happened... The end?

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Definitely able to feel your pain.

Storytelling sort of reminds me of 'walking simulators' except in this case it's a puzzle game, so the story is told as you complete each puzzle. Nothing was too difficult (or too short either!), so I was able to read each thought, process it, and move on to the next one without a long delay. So good job with that!