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Hello again, so here's my comments from a second playthrough, trying to avoid what got in the way of the game, namely using the stick.  Once I realized I just had to find the fireflies and make my around to do so with grab hands, it was so much better.  It felt like I was pulling myself through the electric foliage, rather than turning and clipping into it incessantly.  Point and hold click, and Electro-Bambi came cantering over.  It was a lot easier to enjoy the details this way.  Not sure if I did something wrong, but after gathering the fireflies to the center, nothing further happened?  Regardless, a lot more fun on a second go, thanks for insight to your process.

Thanks for the additional playthrough! In the game jam version, there's a bug that prevents the story from advancing after you gather the fireflies to the center. If you want to see the rest, then I invite you to download the post jam build, where you'll get to actually use the fireflies to fight some interesting looking blackout enemies when you reach that point in the story.