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I'm not sure where you got your information, but this is incorrect. The Android version of the game is updated concurrently with PC, Mac, and Linux versions, and is currently fully up to date and still supported.

Because Itch's payment processor prohibits adult games, and Steam has no Android support, the current way to get the paid Android build is through SubscribeStar.

"prohibits adult games"?

Is that really it cuzzzz there's a lot of adult games on itch....

And yes one's you can purchase.

So I don't think it has to do with it being "Adult" content. 

I suspect it's more likely some of the specific type of content that's in the game which is seen very negatively by many platforms.

Not saying I have anything wrong with the content. As I wouldn't be here if I didn't enjoy it. Just seems like if itch were to prohibit adult games being sold. I think 20% of it's library would vanish.