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A member registered Jun 05, 2018

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I may Join the Discord then. 

Following/reading through blog development posts on the multiple games from dozens of Developers to find answers sounds like a time dump I simply do not have. Hopefully I've got an open Slot. I'm still sorting out my New sfw account to move a bunch of servers I'm on to that one. 😮‍💨

Yeah PoV Monster Girl interaction with the player is what I would want/somewhat expect from the looks and premise of the game.

Knowing it's planned is good enough for me right now.

I'd love to hear the idea of working on an Android version in the future. But I understand that may not be possible.

I've been watching this game for awhile, and while it's not at a place I'd want to play it from what I can tell. Not that I have the hardware to run it currently anyway 😅 (granted my phone *almost* meets the minimum reqs ~conceptually ).

In reading a lot of comments and reply's there definitely seems to be some anger from followers (and even some who've maybe purchased) regarding a few certain mechanics or development focus. 

Many of your replies state that there has been discussion & confirmation on whatever topic the person it irritated about. This implies  browsing  through each "Documents issue" log to look for said topic in the post or comments. Or being consistently up to date on reading them.

Imo either of those things can be a heavy expectation for a potential buyer who isn't convinced in the product yet.

I didn't notice a link here or on the main page, (so I may have just missed it) but if you are wanting to give people a real sense of your roadmap, a Trello board might be useful. I've seen many indie game devs and commission artists use them to keep track of progress both for themselves and for those invested in the development.

It might serve as a central way to show what you have planned (or even just considering + what you need to make it happen), that could show much more than what you'd have in a graphical image.

Hopefully this is a useful idea for you, and I haven't offended you with anything I've said.

For reference, personally I love the look & premise of this game, but I get the impression that there isn't PoV camera sexual content (at least not currently). I'm completely unsure if that is the case though as I haven't had the opportunity to play it do to hardware limitations. 

I'll premise this in that I don't recall what game (or games) they were but there was definitely something I played that allowed the player to actually reposition and resize the orientation of the buttons.

I may not have been built in unity though 🤔

I think one major issue is the blue arrow for the next stage.

It ends up directly between two attack buttons and thus often unpressable.

I think the next stage arrow being near the top of the screen would be more accessible.

Based on what i'm reading it seems like maybe the Scenario Player is a separate program and launcher? If so you could potentially make a forked version and design/ implement VR controls & UI for it. 

I imagine that no matter what a VR UI for a scene editor/creator is gonna end up kinda clunky, so that could probably be skipped. 

It's Very unlikely that any mac still running on 10.13 (Myself included) is going to have a metal driver GPU. 

Knowing that metal is required for the Mac version tells me i won't be running it. 

Are the General Sys Reqs/ expectations listed somewhere?

That's a terrible response for a game dev to give.

This Is often an issue with a lot of Indie game devs who don't have Mac's to Test on, the unix executable file in the app package ends up as plain text. It's some sort of issue/error within unity itself, not sure if bug or just like multiple extra steps for the mac version that aren't intuitive at all.  I wish it were clear what the it was either way though, maybe it could be avoided.

"prohibits adult games"?

Is that really it cuzzzz there's a lot of adult games on itch....

And yes one's you can purchase.

So I don't think it has to do with it being "Adult" content. 

I suspect it's more likely some of the specific type of content that's in the game which is seen very negatively by many platforms.

Not saying I have anything wrong with the content. As I wouldn't be here if I didn't enjoy it. Just seems like if itch were to prohibit adult games being sold. I think 20% of it's library would vanish.

What about VR for just Android?

Wondering if you've had any success with the lovesense toy programing to activate motion control.  Because I might consider actually getting one of so.

I think the lack of communicative updates is something I'm personally more concerned about.

No Twitter or other social media for interaction with followers or those who have purchased on itch. 

No Patreon or other crowdfunding/donation & communication connection.

Too many times have I seen something with great potential fall off the map in a similar way to this.

Devs being extremely ambitious and possibly getting buried/burnt out. And not being able to put out regular working updates, so they don't communicate.

Please if you want people to trust that the development of this game is active. 

At minimum set up a Twitter. 

Ideally a Patreon or SubStar & a Trello board. 

And communicate what is being worked on regularly. Check in at least once a month. Show graphical updates. Discuss advances in the coding &/or UI functionality. Ask the indie gaming community for advice openly if you face roadblocks or struggles.

As a game dev. Part of gaining trust is showing an active presence.

If you simply dig in and are working on it for months on end but in silence, people will not have faith in you or your project.

Because they've been let down way too many times.

This project seems amazing. I want to see it grow and succeed. 

Silent indie Devs often don't. 

So please don't be a silent Dev. Don't be part of that pattern.

Seriously very much this.

Before supporting on Patreon I'd love to see if this actually runs on my phone or not.

I see many complaints about issues with controls & performance so paying for something that doesn't work is not really a thing I'm fond of doing.

See I might be annoying by asking for a Smartphone build of a game you put out. 

But *This Here* is some braindead shit if I ever saw it. 🫠

Just for reference what were the hardware specs of the phones you tried?

Cuz like.... Have you seen the growth of graphics and performance with mobile games in the past 5 years?

Legit my phone has better CPU & GPU than my computer. Granted my computer is old af 😅

Ahhh yeah, SubscribeStar like patreon would require one to simply stay a subscriber, or resubscribe everytime there is an update. In which case ether way one would definitely spend more than the sale price. There might be a workaround depending on how well SubscribeStar keeps track of Subs/former subs like how I think patreon can...

Is the Mac version at least available via Steam? I often see games on Itch that have Mac versions that work fine and are updated with each update. Yet are not available via the steam version.

So I know steam doesn't offer android obviously (even though their is an app so it's not like they couldn't maybe enter that zone 🤔)... But it's not possible to get the Android version through becoming a SubscribeStar backer?

"Currently this is the only mechanism for us to distribute permanent Android copies, so if you want one then please pick it up in the next seven days." 

Like Itch is the only way people could buy for Android? And now there's no option anymore?

That tells me the Mobile Version is my only option. But no demo for that. Platform option paywall locked. 😕

Thus no way to test the game. And it seems commenting here on Itch is the only way to communicate. Given that you don't seem to have a working Twitter, and non-subs can't comment on public posts...

Admittedly the game looks impressive and a solid remake of SDT.

Progress posts only mean so much after 2+ years with no release update.

But for Cardboard it's 180°? So when you put your phone in a headset there is in fact head-tracking?

For reference I'm not concerned about the PC-VR version currently, as I'm limited to cardboard still.

But if you've got toy syncing for this as for the game to control the toy.... (I think I read that in the description... Sorry if I'm incorrect on that.) Couldn't you also set the reverse, for the toy to control the game? That'd be pretty amazing if possible 

Any possibility/consideration for VR functionality (UI)?

Cuz this could be even more amazing than it already seems with that.

Would you mind explaining what "VR auto-mode (Google Cardboard)" does?

The statement of a PC ver in landscape  view that's designed for headsets but is untested is a bit  confusing.

Is the VR Android function not meant to work with a headset?

So while I definitely don't have a system that could run this currently.
I'm wondering if there has been any thought towards making this VR capable? Cuz this certainly seems like it could be a fun VR experience.

Finding Nsfw VA's is not difficult, there's legit dozens of them that are talented and accessible. Quite a few sell moan packs even.

Description mentions ideas are welcome.

So wondering if it's been suggested before, or if the concept has crossed your mind.

But having the animation control for the Android ver be linked to the accelerometer and possibly compass/gyroscope could add for some more interesting interactivity.


Guess I won't get to play this then.

Any chance of you are working on an Android Version?

"completely free" for a few "supporters"...

So I'll premise this initially with that i'm not generally a fan of erotic Visual Novels. As in i'm usually disappointed  in the porn/erotic portion.
As such i often don't play them, though some have certainly impressed me when it comes to story & sometimes interactive gameplay elements.

I haven't gotten to far. But the story has got me hooked, and it makes me want to play more. (Though i'm a bit worried to after the last time, as it stalled and crash my whole computer... not just the game.) Like the premise is cool, i dig the characters, the story is engaging, the MC isn't a tool. I really am enjoying it so far for the the story.
While I only got to Eva's scene so far, I can say that i'm still disappointed with the nsfw content like most (Especially Illusion based)  Visual Novels.
The lack of audio/moans even though there is squish type sfx.. it's a bit sad imo. And from how much hype this game/dev has. I sort of was hoping it might have it. And for reference i'm not asking for voiced lines, just moans..

Doin a solid though on actually giving players PoV scenes! That seems to be a rare thing with Vis Novel sex scenes. I guess Dev's are more in the mindset of "showing" what the MC is doing as it's telling a (mostly linear) story kinda thing, rather than the user *being* the MC themselves and thus seeing from their view most of the time.

Overall I really like it, but for me the lack of moans in the Nsfw scenes makes them pointless. Maybe it's something that could be adding in future updates?

Hope this doesn't come off as rude and judgmental since it's *so much*.

The game looks pretty interesting (even if in a sense the same as most HS Vis Novels), nice looks characters, neat premise, etc.
But it looks like you threw in the towel pretty quick.  No updates here, your patreon, or twitter in 5+ months...
Plus you list as also for Mac, but the Mac demo DL links to the PC-Demo file.

Huh, does it cost more to offer a Mac ver through steam? I have noticed a fair amount of indie games that have Mac ver's here don't have them on their Steam page.

Do you happen to have a a min Sys Req's for Mac? My processor is comparable to whats listed on the steam page for windows and i've got 12G of ram. But my GPU is a paired type (Geforce 320M). So driver support regarding some lighting/shading effects with open GL often comes up as an issue.

(1 edit)

I think you maybe misunderstood why I would want a Demo.

There are two main reasons for demo's.

A- To see if you enjoy the gameplay/concept/etc

B- To test if the game actually runs on your system smoothly/at all.

The game looks amazing to me and I am pretty damn sure I want to play it.

My issue is the later, for most games it's the later. Honestly I often feel like game dev's have forgot about this concept.. 

Maybe you could offer the Mac version on steam? 

Kinda wish there was a demo to play test, Since the Mac Ver isn't available on steam, and refunds via itch are much less user friendly than steam. 

That's unfortunate, but is sadly kinda the standard with games of this sort. 
As this is still in the works, is the any chance you might add more?

Barely any PoV content scenes in most Erotic games be it 2d or 3d.
Hell even when games are active 3d and not pre-rendered video and fair amount only have 3rd person camera and dev's practically *refuse* to add a PoV camera for some reason.

Is there possibly audio/moaning in the video scenes?

Mac Ver of every one of your game demo's just crash for me.
*note* not the "can not be opened" or  an app Permission error.
I get it attempt to load, switch to full screen for like .5sec and then it fails. No error log as to why.
I'm assuming i don't have some sort of hardware spec minimum. But since nothing is listed, no idea what that is. 

So before I try to DL this and have it probably fail 20+ times.
Are any of the scenes PoV, or is it all just 3rd person/ spectral vouyer?

See now what would be great is if it had the option for the control of motion to use the accelerometer sensor... 😏

ah no wonder the mac demo's exec file it registered as a text file. And here I was hoping it might actually run.

That's unfortunate. This seems almost like the sort of thing that could be close to what I'm craving.

But I suspect what I wish for no dev will likely ever make. And thus i'll just have to wait until i can afford to spend like $2k on building a new computer to be able to experience what I would like to.

honestly this on its own seems like it could grow a lot more.
If you were to add VR support & possibly a Chatbot system into the simulation... That would be something else