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Yay! I won.

First off, the movement feels very nice. The squash and stretch when you jump work well and with the SFX, jumping felt very weighty.

I was able to slide off of tiles if I stood near the edge. With the faster movement speed and dark environment, it felt awkward to slide off single wide tiles. I prefer it when both the player and tiles have right-angled colliders.

Speaking of collision, I could throw the torch into colliders and it would bug out; not game breaking just a bit janky. Also, I felt the torch shouldn't be able to collide with the player; not sure if you intended it to. Once I tried throwing it at a slightly downward angle and got pushed off into spikes.

On spikes, I feel they should have had better visibility. It's very dark and sliding into spikes isn't so fun. I realize part of the gameplay is looking for spikes so I'm not saying make them glow, but I would have preferred a color that didn't blend into its surroundings. That being said, this wasn't that big a deal since you gave generous checkpoints.

In regards to checkpoints, I feel it was smart to give so many. People playing games during game jams often don't know how much content there may be. If I had to redo lots of parkour in the dark not knowing where to go for too long, I likely would assume there wasn't any ultimate goal and simply quit. Instead, the checkpoints prevented any serious redoing of parkour. In a full-release game, the difficulty may be different, but in a game jam, I feel, easy is better.

The mechanic itself was cool. Fits with the jam's theme very nicely. Being able to pull it back was cool and felt good.

Also, the blood VFX was a nice touch.

Thank you very much for the extended feedback, really appreciate it.
I decided to join gamejams specifically to learn, so this type of comments really help, thanks again!