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Sound effects, music, and atmospher were great!

I think the level layout was a bit confusing at times and respawning sometimes left me wondering exactly where I was.

The second zone was trippy but unfortunately my browser crashed at somepoint in that sequence. I feel like a map would help provided more time to work on the game and some improved platforming game-feel.

thank you for the feedback! i'd recommend playing the version on your computer rather than your desktop since the game makes use of a decent bit of shaders in that sequence, which might've been the cause of the crash 

as for the rest of the issues with the game, i plan on coming back to this game at some point and making a sequel from scratch, since i wasn't able to fit in all of my ideas causing it to be a little too hard to understand and play, i really do want to expand on the story of this game once i've got time 

that aside, thank you for playing!