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thank you a bunch! i really appreciate you taking your time to write about the game

about the movement, dashing is a great idea, honestly should've thought of that haha, and i did implement bunnyhopping although it's hard to get the hang of

as for the wall jumps, i assume you mean how you choose which direction you get sent towards, i'm not too familiar with 2d platformers myself so i had thought it'd be easier to control, but i understand why most players would be a bit unfamiliar with it

that aside, thank you again for the comment, i'll make sure to keep your ideas in mind once i work with this genre again!

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you need to gain acceleration, if you're on one block, spamming a and d will work, otherwise just get some distance and run

or, just wall jump!

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for me and two of my friends both versions run perfectly fine on both browsers and downloadable, i suggest checking your drivers since your specs seem fine

thrilled to hear that the game had an impact, thank you!

sorry that you're havin' trouble, i'll try to help you out

for the downloadable version, is it giving you an error as soon as you open it, or is it happening in a certain part of the game? and what does the error message say?

also, which operating system are you running this on?

the take on the theme is nice, kinda similar to my own 

the game overall is nice in most aspects, i had fun!

thank you! :D

thank you for the feedback! i'd recommend playing the version on your computer rather than your desktop since the game makes use of a decent bit of shaders in that sequence, which might've been the cause of the crash 

as for the rest of the issues with the game, i plan on coming back to this game at some point and making a sequel from scratch, since i wasn't able to fit in all of my ideas causing it to be a little too hard to understand and play, i really do want to expand on the story of this game once i've got time 

that aside, thank you for playing! 

this game gets straight to the point with the theme, love it

simple concept, but fun and addicting! i like the tutorial stage alot because of what the narrator says about life, this is overall a pretty nice game for how simple it is in my opinion

i appreciate it! glad it was interesting for you

(1 edit)

yup! the game is meant to end there, i'll update the web version so it turns to black at the end

thanks for playing!

this is ULTRACOOL 

feels awesome to play, well done