Thanks for the reply!
Good to know about the categories and as far as the limitations of the engine for the gallery, I have no idea but hopefully one day it will be possible to implement, I realize a lot of the art is AI generated but is still very nice.
For the issue with having to wait for an image, this was really only a problem on insane difficulty having only 3 seconds. I am playing on the Windows version and I've got some pretty solid hardware including an intell 9700k, Nvidia 3080 to (both liquid cooled), and 32 GB DDR4 RAM.
The note about being completely out of time when the picture was finally presented was a slight exaggeration but there were definitely cases where I was left with ~1 second when the picture showed up and I had to make a determination. I don't know if there is a way to only start the timer once you've confirmed that the image is displayed or not, but that would be a possible solution.
On the topic of the categories for reporting, I'm not sure if "violence" is implemented fully or not, I did a normal and an insane playthrough (both with the same ending, I assume was the good ending?) and I only ever saw 2-3 images combined that could have possible been violence but there was no mention of that in the tutorial or any dialogue about it through my playing.
A last bug that I encountered was when I chose to skip the tutorial. I was able to click the "clock in" option before the dialogue finished and then a few seconds later, the caption to click the tutorial repeatedly flashed on the screen.
For real though, keep up the good work. I've honestly been eyeing Artifact for a little while and may pull the trigger on it after seeing the work you've done here and your response to community feedback.