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I'm a huge fan of Half-life and Portal so i was very excited to try this out and it was quite good, i love the combination of the Portal aesthetic with the Gravity Gun from Half Life 2

That being said, i think you shouldn't have included the arrows pointing to where you need to go and what you need to do, The whole fun of a puzzle game is figuring out the puzzle yourself and when the arrows literally tell me exactly what to do step by step the game becomes less of a fun puzzle game and more of a walking simulator

I think without the arrows this game would have taken me a good 20-30 minutes to complete, but since the arrows tell me exactly what to do i managed to get through the whole thing in like 5 minutes, i thought the puzzles were quite well designed aswell and understandable so i don't really understand why there is arrows in the first place.

Other than that i really like the way you used the theme, i like how you made it so the player has to pick up the cube and use it to click the Play button which i thought was a smart way to teach the player how to use the Gravity Gun before the game even starts.

Only bug/issue i ran into was the doors being a bit small

I would have loved to play through a version of this without the guide arrows but either way thanks for taking the time to make something!

Thanks a lot for the feedback. Two small things:

-The doors I made them and textured them before trying them and was too lazy to redo(that's on me)

-The arrows were actually to shorten the game as a lot of people aren't able to stay in vr for long and there are many games to try so it was the goal of the arrows and to eliminate frustration or being blocked, I do think though that I should've added real quick before the end of the jam an option to deactivate them as there are people like you and me who prefer longer and more mind buggling puzzles(I assume) but I totally understand the point.

Thanks, :)