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I love how this time around you start in the outdoors as opposed to inside the bunker like in the first time I played this game. It’s feels like an epilogue to what’s to come. Would benefit of more exploring outside, because my first instinct was to go around and fuck about trying to find secrets. There are also some white edges that I don’t think are supposed to be there in full-screen. I would’ve totally missed the first note because it was slightly hard to see because it was a bit too dark, the light coming from the fire could’ve been much stronger.

The presentation is much better than last time, definitely. It’s really esoteric, or at least that’s what I felt while approaching the white figure at the start of the game. And the laser-pointer is pretty fucking awesome. So far I’m a bit confused when it comes to the reloading and the shooting part, because I miss the revolver and the old reloading system.

Oh, it’s a new gun, well, I didn’t like it as much as I thought I would. I could see the ammo going in but I couldn’t shoot. But still, the new enemy type is pretty cool. The save profiles are a nice addition.

Overall, other than my “frustration” with the new gun, I liked it. Good atmosphere. And I really like the “supernatural” element you added to the game, I can’t stress this enough. Like, I don’t know if it’s supposed to be a hallucination, I mean the white strips and the white figure, but it’s really cool. Reminds me of Amnesia or Soma in some way.

You definitely got me stressed while trying not to die. I wish there was more room to wriggle around some enemies, but then again, for example inside the lab it wouldn’t make sense for it to be wider, spatially I mean.

Great experience overall.

For the new gun, it needs to be chambered with OPERATE before you can shoot, which in hindsight is something that definitely needs a better explanation. The revolver is still in too, just have to find it. The intro sequence is a rough first draft at the moment (so that there's some introduction), and I do want to expand it later - and there are definitely plans for the dude in the darkness as well.

Thanks for trying out the demo, glad you enjoyed it despite the difficulties!