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It detected my PS3 controller even on Linux which is pretty cool! The camera sensitivity slider didn’t seem to stick though and the vertical axis was definitely too responsive. I think some smoothing in general wouldn’t hurt when using the controller (definitely don’t apply it to mouselook), as well as an option to set separate sensitivity for each axis.

I was a little disappointed how few ways there are to distract the guard without having him spot and chase you. I was expecting to be able to throw something or turn something on in the machine shop to distract him. Instead I just came at him from the restaurant area and had him chase me in a lap outside the building.

Some of the controller bindings seem to break, like backing out from the Load screen restricts you to M+KB controls until you click another button. There also seemed a lot of inconsistency in some of the locked doors in that unlocking would just cause the popup to not show anymore without letting you actually open the door.

Perhaps I’m not as young as I used to be but the window between a short and long button press seems awfully brief, I’d often get the interaction menu on a door when I was just trying to open it.

The dialog options (for swapping character) are very subtle in showing which option is selected. I think the white par on the side would benefit from a black outline so you can see it outside.

Don’t know how I feel about the specular reflections with the flat-color pixel art. The shadow-mapping is a bit less weird but I still can’t decide if the soft-edged shadows clash or not with the rest.

All that said, I like stealth games so I was having fun just wandering around. Good show.


Thank you for trying my game and leaving such a detailed comment !!

I'll add lots of your points to my todo list; the separate axis camera sensitivity, smoothing the controller's camera (with a slider too maybe ?). I'm still not so happy about how the long/short press is handled, so i'll look into improving it.

The locks and Dialogues were added pretty lately into the demo, i didn't have much time to try it out, so thanks for this too, i'll take a look at it.

And i'm planning to add ways to distract the guards later on of course, i'm just working on the basics for now, equipping and throwing a cola can or that kind of stuff could be fun