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ok the first issue isn't that big of a deal and 

i think by " Could you mark the bulk editors on the left with a ▼ symbol when displaying the options below just to stop players getting confused with other modifiers" 

you mean you want the game's assets and saved assets to be seperated? okay i can do that

other than that check the "Roadmap" changelog

About the bulk editors, for example:

Clicking on the character modifiers would display all NPCs below with a ▼ symbol.  The same should go for items, random events, other

Here's some concept art if you don't know what I mean:

And the first issue, It's very confusing for me since sometimes I can't tell what number box the modifier is referring to (that's the best way I can describe it) since the modifier text on the left doesn't align with the number box.

Sorry if this came off as rambly but I was hoping you could fix this in the next update.

oh right now i understand i'll write this in the "roadmap" changelog for later

so i did it by using a lighter shade of black and white hope that works too