quick help, when clicking a button I would like a fixed value to change (and be printed on the screen). how can I do this??
sorry for the difficulty with basic things haha
So, let's say you've got a textbox on the screen, and a button.
In the code for the button you can have it change the text in the textbox, the code for that would look something like this
on click do field1.value:"some words" end
So that would make some words appear in the field named field1. Is this what you're trying to do? Apologies if I have misunderstood, I am not sure what you mean by a fixed value here.
So, you'd want something to happen only when the button has been pressed 10 times?
You would need a separate field (maybe a hidden one) to count the number of button presses, so you add 1 to the value each time. And then after you increment the value you have an if statement that checks when the value has reached 10.
If you've got more questions it might be worth posting them in the programming questions thread https://itch.io/t/2445182/lil-programming-questions